ULOG #42: Soppy, Saturated, Stormy Sunday

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How was your Sunday? #beautifulsunday was initiated by @ace108. Let me tell you how "beautiful" my Sunday is. First, let me show you some photos.


It was a Silent Hill vibe when I headed out. The photo came out clearer than it reality. It was foggier a while ago. I thought it would be few to no people. I was wrong. It was like any other day.

Living in the tropics can be a blessing and a curse. Since the beginning of the year, we have more rain and bad and worse weather than good and sunny ones. We get a respite from the lash of rain, grumble of thunder and that strike of lightning a few days at a time. The longest probably was three weeks.

This week has been one of those worse ones. We have not seen the sun for a few days now. Again. Being cooped up inside the house for a week with typhoon and monsoon rains is depressing.

How would you make a day like this beautiful?

I made it a point to go out no matter what. It is one of those rainy days that you have to fight with the wind else it will upturn your umbrella to which the wind succeeded in doing so for me. Thankfully, no rain by the time that happened and I was already nearing home. The umbrella survived! Hooray!


This is the river here in our place. We call it Balili River. It is a dead one because of years and years of negligence and undisciplined practices and habits, we killed it. There were tiny fishes here then and as kids we would go catch some but mostly only catching tadpoles. No wrath of a mother could prevent us from going to the river lol!

The water turns brown when it rains. There was one time that due to a strong typhoon, it rose so high such that it surpassed the barrier, flooding the streets and houses near it. The house of my aunt was just beside the river. The ground floor was flooded then so she, her family and guests sought shelter in our house which was located at a higher level and away from the river. They stayed for two days I think. I was around 8 or 9 then. I cannot remember much but I clearly remember they came to stay. Fortunately, no typhoon had been that strong enough since then to cause the river to rise that high.


It is business as usual today even thought it was raining hard. This is one of the fruits and eggs stores that we have here. As you can see, it is mostly bananas. Living in the mountains, transport of goods can be dangerous because the winding roads going here are dangerous. They are slippery and fog can make visibility to almost zero. What little supply that the local farmers have will be expensive because the demand is high. I saw some other fruits but almost or most of it are about to rot.

This store is where we usually buy fruits and eggs but mostly the eggs. It is cheaper here. We usually buy one tray. I wanted to buy some fruits as well but there was nothing that I wanted for now. I wanted to buy santol (cottonfruit) but they do not have it and none of the others stores have it as well.

What I really wanted to buy were the ingredients for making tofu siomai (dumpling). None of the stores here sell Molo (Wonton) wrapper which is needed for the siomai. There is one supermarket here that sells it and they have it available almost always that I go there to buy.


Here are the ingredients we use to making tofu siomai. As always, I am bad at documenting things. The tofu was already mashed and some carrots have already been sliced.

What you need:

  • Tofu
  • Flour
  • Eggs
  • Carrots
  • Onions
  • Garlic
  • Molo (Wonton) Wrapper
  • Skyflakes Crackers (original)
  • Salt and pepper

We also put capsicum. However, there was no capsicum sold in any of the stores. I don't like buying in the supermarket because the price there is expensive, almost double the price. Besides, I can do without the capsicum. Preferably, I use white onions but, again, there were no white onions available.

You can substitute tofu with meat of your own choosing or TVP (textured vegetable protein) veggie burger. We prefer tofu or TVP because it is quicker to cook. If you want to make this purely vegan, you can opt to not add egg if you will use tofu. If you are going to use TVP, maybe a little oil can be used instead.


What we do is mash the tofu by hand or use a fork. Slice and dice and shop the carrots, onions and garlic. Crush the garlic first so it will be easier to slice. Mix it to the mashed tofu. Add eggs and flour in and mix. Crush the crackers and it also to the mix. Season to desired taste.


Take one wrapper at a time. If you have had no experience with molo wrapper before, be careful in separating them from one another. Pull it apart but not to quick else they break apart. Place enough of the tofu mix that the wrapper can cover. You can wrap it anyway you want.




After wrapping, place them in the steamer. Put oil on the base of each container to prevent the siomai sticking to the container. Be careful not to place them too close tightly together for they will stick. If you are using an electric steamer, set the timer to 60 minutes. 1 hour is just a quick one. Go watch an episode of your favorite series or play games or sleep for an hour.


This is best with soy sauce, lemon juice and chili garlic paste. My friend's husband made a chili garlic paste. I like how chili and spicy it is the first time I tasted it. I have been planning to make tofu siomai when my friend gave me her husband's chili paste. What he makes is different from those sold commercially because his is packed with chili and a little garlic and oil. Those sold in stores have more oil in it than chili.



I also fried some of these steamed ones. Fried dumplings have different taste. Also, it makes the dumplings crunchy. I cannot remember how much of these have I eaten. However, I do remember eating more of the fried ones.

Occasionally, we also cook chicken or beef siomai but most of the time tofu because mom is a ovo-vegetarian. She is not purely vegetarian because she still eats eggs. She avoids meat and milk.


What kind of dumpling do you like? Do you prefer steamed or fried?

No matter how life treats you or how bad the weather is, I hope you can find a way to make it beautiful. You can't go wrong with good food spent with family or with good people.



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