Follow-up to the CPS letter I wrote for a friend

It has been two weeks since I wrote the letter for my friend regarding CPS and I thought people may want to know what is going on.  The letter was sent Friday, February 2nd via registered mail and I believe it was received at the offices of CPS last Monday.  My friend, whom I've been calling "Mother Bear", received a voice message from CPS asking what was in the letter, but she did not call back.  A wise choice that I will explain in my next post which will cover how to talk to police on the phone.

I've been in constant contact with Mother Bear and she has not seen or heard from CPS since.  This matter is not over yet as CPS can keep the file open for 30 days, but they must be getting close to the end of their investigation period as they already asked for an extension.  I will keep people informed as to what happened as we move towards the end of the month.  I also suspect that Mother Bear will then start sharing her own side of this story at that time too.  

The stress and anxiety that is created when confronting police like this is intense.  Going through investigations with the threat of them taking our off spring is even more intense.  Mother Bear decided to stand her ground and draw the line in the snow and I applaud her courage, commitment and dedication to do that.  Not many people have the tools to do that and as a result CPS gets away with a lot of shit.  

I call them 'police' because police is, by definition, anybody who has investigative powers granted to them by the state.  That would also include Police Officers, teachers, doctors, CPS, social workers or anybody else that has a statutory obligation to report.  I've also suggested many times "Don't Talk To The Police"!  That means all these other "characters" as well.  Anything you say can be used AGAINST you but NEVER FOR you.  

What most people may not realize is that all these people have only been taught process and what to say.  They have not been shown the whole picture, so their ignorance of how the system actually works is equal to the peoples ignorance as well.  This is called compartmentalization, used to ensure no one individual can see the whole picture.  That way they cannot put 2 and 2 together.  

People who have worked for years to put it all together are often demonized, attacked or labeled crazy, conspiracy theorists, terrorists or other such terms to discredit them with the general population.  But what makes these individuals dangerous to the establishment is because they work hard to fit all the pieces together and found out it pains a picture of slavery and feudal serfdom, all meant to treat people like cattle, ready for the harvest.

The true nature of the state and its corporate empire is so overwhelming that most people don't have the emotional or mental maturity to deal with the consequences.  But we all must deal with it if we are going to confront those who master mind this whole system and hoodwink people to do their dirty work!  

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