USER'S CHAIN #5 : Giving Back - "Mutual Support is the Lifeblood of Steemit"



Previously on USER'S CHAIN...

@tincho created an initiative to share blessings and appreciation for inspiring individuals on Steemit, choosing @danilamarilu as the first recipient. She then chose community wild man @papa-pepper as the next link of the growing chain. The benevolent head of the Pepper clan then passed the baton to the multi-talented @verbal-d. The astonishing alchemist of prose and poetry then decided to bestow upon me, of all people, the honor of being the fifth link to this chain. Now, here we are.

First of all, huge thanks go out to my main man @verbal-d! Brother, you've been surprising me all week, and this is the cherry on top of an already wonderful cake. I know this is only the start of our journey together, but I'm so happy that it's off to a magnificent start. Words alone cannot express the gratitude I feel, so allow me to string together a couple of GIFs since I know that you've mastered the art of storytelling using these.

As I've said countless times before, you are a wellspring of talent and positivity. People who haven't had the chance of basking in your greatness is missing half of their lives. As a man of faith, you have such conviction yet you remain grounded. You inject passion in everything you do, and it shows in all of your masterpieces. I have no doubt that your light is going to shine brighter than anyone could've ever imagined. Keep on illuminating the world, brother!

Now, let me just reiterate that it's such a huge honor to be part of this initiative. In real life, I'm not usually part of groups or invited to initiatives like this, but that's a story for a different time. What I'm trying to get at is that I'm very appreciative whenever I'm included in something. Who wouldn't be, right? That's the what Steemit could be.

Admittedly, it's already happening to some people here, but the operative word is "some." What if everyone felt that sense of kinship and community? What if everyone received an equal amount of the positive energy that's been resonating in the platform? Now, that's the Steemit that I hope to help build. We can all do our part by encouraging others and raising each other up. Steemit is a good platform, and all of us have a say in helping push it over the top so that it could achieve it's full potential.

Time and again, I've preached that comments are key. What better way to support fellow creators than to validate their efforts in the comments section. Some of you know me as an avid commenter, but I tip my hat to this spectacular individual because of her enthusiastic approach to encouragement. Coincidentally, if it wasn't for this person, @verbal-d's path and mine might not have crossed. Heck, I might not even be here continually posting today if it weren't for this lady!

Who am I talking about?! Well, none other than...

Wait for it...

the wonderful @dreemit!!


Not only is she a magnificent mother, she's also a very dependable friend. When the chips were down and it got so bad for me here, she picked me back up and urged me to carry on. Aside from @randomli, she was the only one who pushed me to continue with Steemit. There was even a time when she was the only one left commenting on my posts. Thank you for everything that you have done for me, my sister from another mister!

If you haven't gotten the chance to read her fantastic epic, Reborn, do yourself a favor and head on over to her page post haste! She's a terrific writer, but more importantly an extraordinary supporter. Her comments are so thoughtful and impactful that your post would seem to be missing a crucial piece whenever she hasn't left her thoughts in it. There's no one else I would want in my corner during tough times here than her. If my time on Steemit would be made into a book, she would definitely take up a lot of chapters! :'D

I'm tagging you as the next link to this growing chain, my friend! Now, be the beacon of hope that I know you are and shine your light on who you feel is deserving :D

LINKS in the User CHAIN so far:

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1 column