Chinese translation of Steem White Paper (Genesis) - 1104 words completed (8)


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Project Details

Steem is a Delegated Proof of Stake blockchain that uses a "Proof of Brain" social consensus algorithm for token allocation.

Steem is a blockchain based social network platform. Content authors and curators are rewarded by cryptocurrencies for their contributions to the platform. I have been actively using Steem/Steemit for a year and have an enjoyable experience with Steem blockchain. It is a great opportunity for me to translate Steem White paper.

Contribution Specifications

Translation Overview

The Steem white paper only has 1 file containing 16,214 strings. In this submission, I have finished "Botnet Resistant", "Mining Pool Resistant", “Eliminating Transaction Fees”, “The Problem With Fees”, “Micropayments Don't Work”, “Fees are a Barrier to Entry”, “Changing Fees”, “Sybil Attacks”, and part of “Full Reserve vs Fractional Reserve”. There are 1,104 words in this submission and I have completed 56% of the whole project.


I translate Steem White paper from English to Simplified Chinese.

I am an IT professional with experience in cryptocurrencies and blockchains. I have translated several projects in Crowdin and have been promoted to proofreader in various projects by project owners. Here is my Crowdin profile.

Word Count

Before my submission: 7981 words (49%) have been translated.

After my submission: 9085 words (56%) translated. In this submission, no duplicate strings, links have been found except key terms, e.g. Steem.

Previous contributions

Chinese translation of Steem White Paper (Genesis) - 1107 words completed
Chinese translation of Steem White Paper (Genesis) - 1189 words completed (2)
Chinese translation of Steem White Paper (Genesis) - 1135 words completed (3)
Chinese translation of Steem White Paper (Genesis) - 1112 words completed (4)
Chinese translation of Steem White Paper (Genesis) - 1132 words completed (5)
Chinese translation of Steem White Paper (Genesis) - 1113 words completed (6)
Chinese translation of Steem White Paper (Genesis) - 1211 words completed (7)

Proof of Authorship

My translation activities can be viewed in my Crowdin profile:

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1 column