Suggestion: utopian-io - Add 'Standard Report' as new Contribution Type

Data Analysis that is performed daily/weekly/monthly can instantly or steadily become a valuable resource to managers, team members, and anyone with an interest in the subject area being analysed and reported on.


Data Analysis is the process of systematically applying statistical and/or logical techniques to describe and illustrate, condense and recap, and evaluate data. source

Reports are produced constantly in some fields, and perhaps more commonly, on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis.

And In order to condense, recap, and project into the future, this data needs to be stored and tracked over a reasonable period of time.

I'm wondering, hence the suggestion, if another contribution category, 'Standard Report' should be added to the current list in, so that the more standard and frequent analysis contributions can be separated from the 'one offs', which may be supplied as and when - on an 'ad hoc' basis.


I can see one immediate advantage for being that these 'Standard Reports' can be 'scored' differently *(lower?) to the ad-hoc analysis work. The reasoning behind this is that a new piece of data analysis is likely to take longer to produce and initially require more 'proof of brain'.

Another reason for this is my recent feedback from a moderator who stated in a response to my most recent report

'...However, do you think we will keep accepting exact same contribution for infinite amount of time ? No.'

While I understand the point being made, this most recent report (still) took 4-5 hours to build, analyse, and write.

However, the initial report in which I was gaining understanding of the data model, building the queries from scratch, building my local Database, importing the base data, learning how to pivot the data, etc, etc, took over 10 hours and was a 2 day project.

The observant among you may feel like i'm shooting myself in the foot with this suggestion. However, I think this is a small move towards longer term stability for analysts, and that sounds fine by me.

Thanks for reading

Asher @abh12345

Posted on - Rewarding Open Source Contributors

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