@utopian-io - Contribution 'Approved/Rejected' Analysis - 1st - 7th November 2017

This is an analysis of the Contribution types, and approval/rejection numbers for 1st - 7th November 2017 inclusive.


General / Assumptions

  1. Contributions Summary

  2. Contributions by Type

  3. Summary

  4. Tools used to gather data and compile report



@utopian-io is the open source project for open source projects, housed on the Steem Blockchain.

Currently, @utopian.io holds 3.7 million Steem power through delegations from its kind sponsors.

To become a sponsor and view the current standings visit https://utopian.io/sponsors

This report is an analysis of the number and type of contributions sent for review, and the success/fail rate of each contribution type.

The first report of this type covers the whole month of October and can be accessed here.

I feel these reports should be released weekly, and potentially with a monthly summary, and so this is the planned release schedule, once I have caught up this month.


Currently, there is no indicator for 'approved' or 'rejected' contributions to utopian.io on the Steem Blockchain.

In this report, 'Approved' contributions have been voted on by @utopian-io.

'Rejected' contributions have not received a vote from @utopian-io.

1. Contributions Summary

For the first week of November 2017 - 1st - 7th inclusive, the SteemSQL DataBase holds a total of 360 potential contributions to utopian-io.


238 of these contributions were approved, a total of 66%.

The Contributions can be any one of the following types:

contribution types.png

This weeks data, split into Contribution types is shown in the pie chart below:



2 Contributions by Type

In this section we take a look a few of the contribution types and they are presented using a pie chart.

A full list of contribution types is listed further below with associated figures.

Ideas - Approvals / Rejections


Bug-hunting - Approvals / Rejections


Development- Approvals / Rejections


All contribution types

The following table shows all types and totals of contributions submitted, with their approval % in the end column.



3. Summary

From the data above, the following evaluations can be made.

  • 66% of all contributions for this time window were approved. This is down 5% compared to the month of October, in which 740 contributions were submitted for review, with a 71% success rate.

  • 'Document' Contributions did not score highly for this time window, with only 2 of 11 contributions being approved.

  • 'Ideas' and 'Bug-hunting' totaled 61% of this weeks' contributions to utopian-io.

  • Disregarding the types prefixed with 'announcement-', (which could be merged into other contribution types) 'Social' and 'Analysis' received the least number of submissions.

  • Development contributions for this week long window totaled nearly half of all the contributions of this type during the month of October. These contributions also showed a high approval rate of 87%, well done developers!

4. Tools used to gather this report

The data is sourced from SteemSQL - A publicly available SQL database with all the blockchain data held within (Data is normally 1/2 hours delayed from live)

The SQL queries to extra to the data have been produced in both SQL Server Personal Edition and LINQPAD 5.

The charts used to present the data were produced using MS Excel.

This data was compiled on the 24th November at 9:00 pm CET

I am part of a Steemit Business Intelligence community. We all post under the tag #bisteemit. If you have analysis you would like to be carried out on utopian-io/Steem data, please do contact me or any of the #bisteemit team and we will do our best to help you.


Asher @abh12345

Posted on Utopian.io - Rewarding Open Source Contributors

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