Project Details
Node.js is not a programming language but could be considered as a Java Script programming framework, although in reality the definition of framework is not entirely appropriate, as Node.js could be confused with an environment to create a particular type of applications. To be precise, Node.js is a framework / platform for running JavaScript applications
We therefore say that the most appropriate definition would be that of "platform for the execution of JavaScript applications", as we find written on the home page of the official website; in practice it is a JavaScript run-time, therefore a motor for the execution of JavaScript code.
I'm glad that on Node.js I have the chance to start a file from scratch and working to complete its translation: in my previous project instead, there were many files partially translated by other users that just had some scatter word or sentence to render and this sometimes need more time and makes your work unpleasant and confused.
As I have already explained, the whole Italian team is working on Node.js and we are processing all the first folder (API) files, following the descending order as much as possible, to give a better translation.
Contribution Specifications
Hi there, this is the report of my fifth translation of Node.js. With this session I have completed the whole file, made of 7000 words. I had to render almost 1600 words to get 1000 clean.
Again, as in the previous contributions, there were several repetitions of the key terms like request, response and event.
I'm now ready to start a new file.
Translation Overview
http.request(options[, callback])
<0>'data'</0> any number of times, on the <0>res</0> object
(<0>'data'</0> will not be emitted at all if the response body is empty, for
instance, in most redirects)
<0>'data'</0> un numero qualsiasi di volte, sull'object <0>res</0> (<0>'data'</0> non verrà emesso affatto se il corpo della risposta è vuoto, per esempio, nella maggior parte dei reindirizzamenti)
http.get(options[, callback])
The only difference between this method and
[<0>http.request()</0>][] is that it sets the method to GET and calls <0>req.end()</0>
L'unica differenza tra questo metodo e
[<0>http.request()</0>][] è che imposta il metodo su GET e chiama <0>req.end()</0> automaticamente.
Duplicates in raw headers are handled in the following ways, depending on the
header name:
I duplicati nelle intestazioni grezze vengono gestiti nei modi seguenti, a seconda del
nome dell'intestazione:
To check my previous experiences as a translator you can consult my activities on Verdaccio and Joomla projects, selecting my name in the drop-down menu.
You can also view my application for Davinci.
Word count
Words Translated: 1033
Proof of Authorship
You can look up Crowdin project on the following link, as well as the summary of my activities.
I'd like to thank @davinci.witness and @utopian-io for this wonderful project I have the pleasure to work in and another big thank to the italian team, especially to the LM @imcesca and our Node.js expert @robertbira.
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The first image is public domain - Source Wikicommon