Know your people and history - SteemMe

I am introducing SteemMe project. SteemMe is my personal project that aims to help the Steemians to discover the hidden information about themselves. This tool helps those who want:

  • to see all of their postings with the vote count, resteem count and number of comments
  • to download their entire postings as a JSON file
  • to filter out their postings with keywords
  • to check the SBD of the each vote on their posting
  • to find out who have resteemed their posting
  • to analyse the trend of vote, comment, reward of their postings
  • to know top 25 frequent voters
  • to know top 25 strong voters
  • to know top 15 frequent resteemers
  • to know top 10 most resteemed postings

Screenshots & descriptions

Show your posting history

Put your Steemit user ID and click "go". SteemMe will grab all the posting you have written and show you with very details.

Search keywords from title and body

You can quickly find the posting that are including a specific keyword in the title or body.

Details of the amount of each vote and the list of resteemers

You have no way to know the amount of vote or who resteemd your posting. SteemMe tells you that.

Number of voting trend

You can see the trend of the voting count on your postings.

Number of comments trend

You can see the trend of the number of comments.

SBD reward trend

You can see the trend of the amount of reword.

Frequent voters
Do you want to know who voted me the most frequently, and the amount of SBD? This chart tells you a lot of secrets.

Strong voters

Do you want to know who has given you the biggest SBD in total? Check this chart.

Best 15 Resteems

Resteem is valuable and a very strong signal of support ship. Know hwo resteemed your posting.

My 10 most resteemed posts

People only resteem whey they really think a posting is valuable. Know which postings of yours are loved by others, and revise your strategy.

I hope people to enjoy analysing and understanding their posting history, and also clearly figure out who have been kindly supporting them. The latest version is 0.3, and I have some cool ideas to broaden the functionality of the tool. However I am struggling to put my hands on this project due to my work got much busier. Anyone can contribute to this project. Pull request is more than welcome.

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