MicroSteemit on Wechat application - add showing the account feed posts and consummate the detail page

New Features

What is MicroSteemit

MicroSteemit is developed based on the wechat micro application which is maintained by the tencent company.

wechat micro application is an application that doesn't need to be downloaded and installed. It implements the dream of "reach within reach", and users scan or search can open the micro application through the wechat application. It also reflects the idea of "running away", and users don't have to worry about installing too many apps. Micro Applications will be ubiquitous, readily available, without installing uninstall. Suitable for life service offline shops and non-new low-frequency conversion. The micro application can realize seven functions such as message notification, offline scan code and public number association. Among them, the user can realize the mutual jump between the wechat public account and the micro application through wechat association.

In a word , MicroSteemit is an application which can be used without downloading while chatting with friends in wechat easily. Just by scanning the MicroSteemit QR code can we commodiously surf on the steemit community.

But now , the MicroSteemit is still in developed phase .Of course you also can test the project in the wechat application tool .See the github project in detail.

Existing features right now


What feature(s) did you add?

  • add function in the detail page to control when to load the comments of the posts, which can relieve the internet press to a large extent
  • add clicking function on the feed button which will navigate to the feed page from the info page
  • build up the feed posts showing page UI and style in the new feed page
  • setup the main logic in the feed page js file and the general style of the feed showing page

Screenshots and gifs of new added features


Commits on github about the new features

deal with the "show" button clicking on the detail page

add clicking function on the feed button which will navigate to the feed page


  • Show account related comments
  • Show account related replies
  • Show tags
  • Show account feed ,blog,comment,reply
  • Add more function like transfer,chat and so on.
  • Perfect the UI

How to contribute?

Github: https://github.com/Cha0s0000/MicroSteemit

  • Fork it!
  • Create your feature branch: git checkout -b my-new-feature
  • Commit your changes: git commit -am 'Add some feature'
  • Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature
  • Submit a pull request.

Posted on Utopian.io - Rewarding Open Source Contributors

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