Why BTS?

Bitshares is boominggggg. Such an awesome @dan created crypto and platform. And the one of the main questions I receive is why Bitshares?

In this crowded cryptocurrency landscape, what makes Bitshares stand out as a worth investment.

My intent with these "Why?" guides is to provide information, context, and as much value as possible to you so that you can best set yourself, your family, and your friends up for the future.

This guide will explain my perspective on why pick BTS out of all these cryptocurrencies and blockchains.


REASON ONE: Better Technology

@dan created Bitshares with superior technology resulting in fast transfer speeds and a blockchain that can handle A LOT of transactions.

Just look below. Bitshares handled more than 1 million transactions in a 24 hr period. And whereas Ethereum and Bitcoin's network capacity is full at their current levels, Bitshares handling 1 million transactions was less than 1% of its capacity.


That is evidence that Bitshares superior technology allows it to handle A LOT of transactions allowing it to scale where other chains can't.

And look how fast Bitshares processes transactions. Within a few seconds bam the transaction is processed. Use the Bitcoin and Ethereum networks and watch the minutes (maybe hours or days) go by.

As a result once more individuals, businesses, organizations, and governments realize the potential of Bitshares they will switch from the clogged and slow Bitcoin and Ethereum networks to the fast and scaleable Bitshares network.

REASON TWO: BTS is a decentralized exchange

Not only is Bitshares a cryptocurrency, it is a decentralized exchange. An exchange whose assets are actually backed by collateral in a smart contract on the blockchain. Not some Tether like asset backing scheme.

Bitshares is a true trading platform that enables individuals to buy and sell crypto, transfer crypto, and create crypto all in a decentralized environment.

With all the problems with centralized exchanges such as Bittrex and Coinbase, the popularity and demand for decentralized exchanges is poised to boom. Do you really want to worry about having your account frozen by a centralized authority?

So here comes Bitshares which is a Bloomberg-type trading platform that is decentralized which allows for the flow of cryptos especially BTS.

The more people, businesses, and governments use the Bitshares exchange the better it is for its stakeholders (holders of BTS).

REASON THREE: Community-based

Bitshares is a Delegated Prrof-of-Stake (DPOS) model with a real community behind it.

Whereas Bitcoin and other networks are centralized Prrof of Work models that encourage profit and centralization, Bitshares is a consensus based voting model where the stakeholders (holders of BTS) vote on the strcuture of the network.

Proposals to the network are voted on by the community and ones with community support are funded and executed.

One of the biggest benefits of this DPOS model is also that it is designed at the core to protect all participants from regulatory interference.

Community based voting proposals and being designed to protect from government interference are going to be very attractive to many target markets of crypto trading and this will boom the Bitshares network thus benefiting all stakeholders (holders of BTS).

So why Bitshares?

  • Better technology,
  • Is decentralized exchange, and
  • Community-based.

Among many more reasons to be covered in Part Two of Why BTS?

Hope this brings value to you and hope this helps you make the best decision for yourself, family & friends, and livelihood.

Part Two coming soon.

Thank you for your time and attention. It means the world to me.


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