Why EOS?

EOS, EOS, EOS. @dan's newest project is creating a lot of buzz in this cryptospace so why out of all the cryptocurrencies should you pick EOS?


My intent with these "Why?" guides is to provide information, context, and as much value as possible to you so that you can best set yourself, your family, and your friends up for the future.

This guide will explain my perspective on why pick EOS out of all these cryptocurrencies and blockchains.

REASON #1: EOS eliminates the friction for developers

Less hurdles to jump for developers + more money in developer's pockets = much less friction for developers who use EOS as their operating system of choice

EOS is a hosting environment for decentralized apps (dApps).

That means anyone can write code and publish it to the blockchain and run it on the blockchain without needing to ask permission.

Developers and developer teams can access this operating system with no to little friction. This is a huge improvement over Apple and Google's centralized operating system which require developers to jump through hurdles and waste valuable time just to just their application on these app stores.

Not to mention content creators and application developers will not have to worry about losing 33% or more of their revenue to Apple and Google who control these centralized operating systems. So developers and content creators will now be able to retain more of their funds just by simply hosting their app on EOS.

REASON #2: EOS has the speed and technical capabilities to host any application

Fast speed + superior technical capabilities = a decentralized OS that can actually handle & deliver developer's applications

Developers and users of apps have high expectations. They expect speed and efficiency in their user experiences, especially when monetary transactions are being made.

Apple and Google are using the "old way" of hosting apps, not incorporating blockchain technology. Apple Pay on the blockchain? Nope. Android Pay powered by blockchain? Not yet.

So the fact that EOS is built to handle hundreds of thousands of transactions per second from the beginning, will have developers and users going nuts because they can actually build & use the application as they want to.

And with all this talk of net neutrality and controlling bandwidth in the United States, wouldn't it seem that the operating system built with bandwidth decentralized yet still have the ability to increase bandwidth capabilities would be the winning OS.

Through its currency EOS, the OS allows developers to increase their bandwidth based on their investment (EOS tokens) in the network.

O you want to make sure your app users get an epic viewing and using experience. Just increase your bandwidth capabilities and BAM your application has enough bandwidth to deliver an epic experience.

Try controlling the amount of bandwidth your app has with the Apple App Store of the Google Play Store. Yikes.

REASON #3: EOS keeps the control in the developers and users

Allowing for self-resolution & arbitration through smart contracts + removing centralized power = more control for the individuals who create and use these apps

While Apple and Android have highly centralized flows of data, they have the ability to shut down an application at a moment's notice because of any numerous reasons. Just Google the list of recent apps shut out of the Apple App Store for not fitting Apple's standards for apps.

That centralized power is dangerous especially when shutdowns of applications can results in many negative outcomes for the developers and users.

The nature of EOS' decentralization is that it allows itself to settle contract and other disputes & conflicts based on the smart contracts in place. This removes the power of these centralized power authorities such as Apple and government organizations to arbitrate and in some cases freeze/halt application and accounts.

This concludes Part One of Why EOS?

Hope this brings value to you and hope this helps you make the best decision for yourself, family & friends, and livelihood.

Part Two coming soon.

Thank you for your time and attention. Hope this information about EOS helps bring value to the community.

Appreciate you.

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