Utopian - Upvoting Intelligently

GIF by @deveerei - icons8.com.

How does Utopian Upvote?

When a user votes they spend their voting power. A user has 100% of that. Theoretically, everytime a user votes 100% vote weight, it eats up 2% of his voting power. However, it's much more complicated than that, since it's not linear. Meaning if a user votes 50 times, his voting power will not go down to 0%, it will be somewhere there, could be around 10-30% (I do not know the exact calculations for it).


Utopian bot gives out upvotes based on its deemed quality of a post - he also uses a range from 1%-100% upvote weight.

So, what happens if he votes for more than necessary, or let's say, all of the approved contributions. It will be at different percentages, right; but if the vote weights of those upvotes are all really high because the overall quality has improved it's possible to exhaust his voting power much quicker than usual.

The best way to maximize a user's steem power is to upvote posts while their voting power is still at 80-100%. This ensures the highest amounts possible on their upvotes.

In Progress_96px.png

When I started contributing to Utopian. I noticed that the bots voting power has already been exhausted to as low as 40%. That's pretty low. Although it still upvotes a significant amount especially if you get an upvote with a 100% vote weight, it could have given twice that amount if we can just maximize the bot's voting power.

Recently, they have been tweaking the bot's codes to make it stop voting as long as its voting power is less than 60%, then when it goes to that mark, it starts voting again.

However, I do not think it has control on how many posts and how much it should vote, because I've seen it go lower than 40% voting power.


I've thought of a solution for this. I do not know if it is entirely possible to work this out in codes or in a mathematical algorithm for a bot to use it. It's actually very simple to explain.


This solution has a few points:

  1. Utopian.io will only start upvoting posts when its voting power has replenished to 100%.
  2. Utopian.io can only spend 20% voting power per day, that means that if his voting power reaches exactly 80% it will stop voting.
  3. Utopian.io should take a record and calculate all the total votes it will do before acutally giving an upvote.
  4. Utopian.io will use the said data to recalculate all his upvotes (includes number of upvotes, percentage of vote weight).
  5. Utopian.io will use a certain guideline to recalculate his upvotes. Let's say he can only give 10 upvotes with a vote weight of 100%. If there are more than 10 upvotes then he will reassess the quality of the posts based on the record it previously made and make the other upvotes lower (this is in cases that the new post to upvote is lower in quality or higher than the others), or set an average for all of the upvotes (in cases that every post has been deemed equal).
  6. Utopian.io will have to set a bar for the lowest quality that he can upvote and it also has to set a bar for the percentage to use on upvoting the post with the highest quality among all of them.
  7. Utopian.io should also have limits on the number of posts it can upvote on a certain vote weight range. E.g: There are 11 low quality posts that are worth an upvote of a 10 % vote weight each. We've only set 10 allowable upvotes for low quality posts. So instead of voting on all 11 of them, it will have to re-assess all those posts first to check if one of them is lower in quality than the others, if this happens then the bot will not vote on that post. If, let's say, that all 11 of them are equal in terms of qualit yassessed by the bot, then their vote weight will be lowered to accomodate another upvote.


Disclaimer: This is just an Idea. Codes and algorithms are needed and we do not know if it is doable. However if someone can code this then I'm sure Utopian will be able to reward people fairly with its upvotes.

All GIFs by @deveerei. Matrix GIF base from Giphy. Logos by icons8


Open Source Contribution posted via Utopian.io

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