Since i got into Musicoin I been hooked, i really love this blockchain ecosystem that I have been contributing tutorials (links below), inviting fellow musicians and spreading the word through the Blockchain Steemit and other social media networks Twitter, Facebook, etc... to spread the word and share the beauty of this amazing platform and solution for musicians on the blockchain.
I'm a strong believer in the blockchain technology as it is the best thing to ever happen for musicians like myself apart from all the other amazing opportunities and solution it provides.

I truly care about helping and supporting to expand Musicoin and help in it's growth as an individual artist as the more it grows and provide more and better features to musicians the more it will attract more people to join and we all grow with it and the value of Musicoin crypto currency will have more value in the market which will benefit everyone. (win-win situation)
As i'm adding tracks daily, browsing through my music catalog is becoming by the day slowly inconvenient for listeners who visit my page as currently in Musicoin listeners have only the option to browse through your tracks individually by scrolling all the way down as per the animated GIF below. So imagine with the amount of adding more tracks how much you really need to scroll down to view all the tracks.
Add the Playlist or Spotlight of tracks kind of feature to enable the artist to organize his tracks into an Album or making a Compilation of specific genre or theme of tracks from own catalog for the ease of viewing for listeners and improving the way the artist can present and market his music, currently Soundcloud has this feature and it makes musicians and producers life so much easier.

Spotlight or Playlist Examples By :
- Albums
- Genre
- Instrumentals
- Collaborations
- Exclusives
- Themes
- Specials
- Etc...
The idea came to my head as i'm about to release a Beat Tape Album that consists of 10 tracks in the coming few days, and i was thinking how inconvenient it's going to become as my catalog is growing by the day for me to manage or for listeners to find their way around my catalog ...
Hope you guys consider adding those features, once again thanking all Musicoin team for this amazing revolutionary platform, keep up the great works.
Thank You & Kudos!
Posted on - Rewarding Open Source Contributors