Utopian: 4 New Categories - New Search - New Bot - Almost 4 MILLION!

What if I tell you that in just 2-3 days in Utopian.io we have achieved the following:

  • 4 New Categories: Sub-Projects, Tutorials, Video Tutorials and Copywriting.
  • The new search feature, able to search for contributions in a broader context and not matching word by word any longer.
  • Another updated to the Bot to better manage the Voting Power.
  • Brought back the option to choose between 100% SP or 50% SP / 50% SBD.
  • Fixed quite a few relevant bugs.
  • 400 More Contributions.
  • Updated the rules.

Well. We DID IT. Keep Reading to Know the Details!


4 New Categories

Yesterday I published this post to stop the submissions of micro features requests and ideas in order to create more value. We had some complaints about that, therefore I decided to create a specific category for the suggestions and 3 totally new categories.

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  • Suggestions Category: This was the category Ideas. In this category you can keep posting about small enhancements and features requests for your favourite Open Source projects. Read the rules:
  • Suggestions are minor features/enhancements that you would like to have in an Open Source project.
  • Suggestions must provide all the details for the requested features to be actually built.
  • Images, screenshots, links and examples are always welcome in this category.
  • Never write about suggestions you have already shared before or suggestions already shared by someone else.
  • Sub-Projects Category [NEW]: This category is meant to be used for writing about new, unseen, big improvements/features you would like to have in an Open Source project, which have a big impact on the overall system. Here the rule:
  • A Sub-Project is a set of new unseen features having a great impact on the project.
  • Sub-Projects must provide great details for the features to be actually built.
  • Images, screenshots, links, flows, mockups and examples are always mandatory in this category.
  • In this category quality of the contents is the main factor for being accepted in Utopian.
  • If you believe your idea does not qualify as a Sub-project use the Suggestions category instead.
  • Tutorials Category [NEW]: Here the rule:
  • This category is meant only for providing tutorials about an Open Source project.
  • Tutorials can be in any language.
  • A text intro in english is always mandatory at the top of the post.
  • If your tutorial also contains a video you should use the Video Tutorials category.
  • You must be the author of the tutorial.
  • If you are not pasting the entire tutorial here you must provide public links to it.
  • Video Tutorials Category [NEW]: Thanks to @ryanbaer for suggesting the need of this category. Here the rule:
  • This category is meant only for providing video tutorials about an Open Source project.
  • Video Tutorials can be in any language.
  • A text intro in english is always mandatory at the top of the post.
  • You must be the author of the video tutorial.
  • You must embed the video directly in this post. At the moment Youtube videos are mandatory.
  • Copywriting Category [NEW]: Here the rule:
  • This category is meant only for showing copywriting work you have completed for an Open Source project.
  • Copywriting can be in any language.
  • A text intro in english is always mandatory at the top of the post.
  • You must be the author.
  • If applicable link Pull Requests you have submitted on Github.

Rules Have Been Updated

We got many suggestions to improve the rules, therefore I have updated them. I really suggest you go and read them before posting in Utopian: https://utopian.io/rules

The New Search

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Until few hours ago you could not search for a broader context but you had to match the exact words to find what you were looking for. The search is super important for the moderators and the users to find duplicates and to avoid creating more.

Thanks to @sirrius and @codingdefined this is now possible.

Upvote @sirrius contribution: Added text search ordered by relevance score for Utopian

Utopian Bot Update #3

One of the reasons why I had to stop micro features/suggestions yesterday was the fact that those contributions were getting very high votes from the bot, simply because the bot has a lot of power to give.

Therefore @stoodkev has edited the Utopian Bot again to support the new categories but also to reduce/increase the voting power where necessary.

Upvote @stoodkev contribution: New Utopian Bot update + Bots list + Call to bot developers

Choose 100% SP or 50%SP/50% SBD

Utopian was only providing 100% Power Up to simplify the process but I had many people asking to have back the possibility to decide, therefore I brought this functionality back.

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New Features YEAH! But also Bug Fixing

  • Beneficiaries issue for Moderators: I fixed an important bug with the use of beneficiaries that was not including my beloved moderators in the list. Everything in Utopian is tracked and we know exactly how much they have accumulated. The bug is over and they will start being added in the beneficiaries as well and benefit from the 5% dedicated to them.

  • Fixed Drafts issue: @eastmael has fixed a bug with the drafts that was making impossible to edit a post if too many drafts were stored.

Upvote @eastmael contribution: Save Drafts to Store

Utopian Is Growing and Growing and Growing!

  • @freedom has just raised again the delegated Steem Power, bringing it to 1.2 MILLION! Utopian is almost 4 MILLION SP!

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  • We got 400 more contributions! 100 contributions are coming every single day.

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Utopian is Open Source

Check all my updates and the ones of the amazing Utopian collaborators on Github

A Special Thanks to The Sponsors

@xeldal (Vote for witness)
@furion (Vote for witness)
@netuoso (Vote for witness)
@jerrybanfield (Vote for witness)
@yabapmatt (Vote for witness)
@agoric.systems (Vote for witness)
@teamsteem (Vote for witness)

@sircork (Vote for witness)
@rival (Vote for witness)

A Special Thanks to The Moderators


Open Source Contribution posted via Utopian.io

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