Hello dear fellow EOS enthousiasts, if you build eosd and you try to run the sample contract: Transfering funds with the sample "currency" contract
You will get this error:
Change #1 proposed
The suggested message is erroneous:
./eosc push message currency transfer '{"from":"currency","to":"inita","quantity":50}' --scope currency,inita --permission currency@active
The error in red does hint at what is wrong. So kudos to @dan 's team for making the errors meaningful.
The "missing field in variant object: Missing 'amount' in variant object" gave me the inspiration to change the contract a little to this:
./eosc push message currency transfer '{"from":"currency","to":"inita","amount":50}' --scope currency,inita --permission currency@active
So for this contract, it not quantity anymore, it is amount. And it worked from there.
Change #2 proposed:
Transfering takes two "r" so the subheader of this section should read like this:
Transferring funds with the sample "currency" contract
Have a great day and let's keep making @eosio better everyday!
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