The best redirector for Chinese problem CDNs

Yesterday, @heyeshuang asked some feature on my last post:

Some times we Chinese have some problem for the resources (fonts, scripts, etc.) at google. Redirect them to a local mirror may be a good idea, like jiacai2050/gooreplacer

I'm using gooreplacer on Firefox for Android too, but not on PC.

Firstly, you need to install Decentraleyes | Local CDN Emulation, which is available for Firefox / Firefox ESR / Firefox for Android / Palemoon / Chrome / Opera. Decentraleyes emulates Content Delivery Networks to improve your online privacy.

However, Decentraleyes only support the most popular CDNs and popular version. You can install gooreplacer at the same time.

On Firefox's WebExtension and Chrome's extension, the last updated extension gets priority between similar. See more by my second utopian post: SteemPlus conflict with UpgradeMixedContent

I want to be better.

URLRedirector may be the best redirect extension both on Firefox and Chrome. I create a repository to store my rules. One of them is gooreplacerWithDecentraleyes, which skip jQuerys that have been emulated in Decentraleyes.

URLRedirector is easier to write and maintain rules than HeaderEditor, just now.

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