Progress update on the RAC experiment

It has been a while since I last posted an update about the RAC experiment. The reason is twofold. I'm currently very active in some other commitments and the data is quite stable at the moment. I think it is not possible to draw any further conclusions without a data change of significance. As it stands in science even no change says something so here I go with another update of the experiment.


We can see the RAC is slowly falling under the second estimate which is normal as the points per day are also falling below the level when the estimate was made.

In the second chart we can see the team RAC has slowly been increasing to be about 30% higher then the start of the second chart. This is quite significant and I was expecting to maybe see this more reflected in the first chart. There might be a correlation but I need more data to be able to draw any conclusions about it.


For now I will continue to collect the data. It doesn't take too much of my time and it shows newcomers that RAC and the resulting magnitude are not easy to estimate. Even if the Gridcoin 4.0 proposals get accepted and implemented we still can conclude that rewards are not constant. The pts/s fluctuate and I 'm still trying to get a grip on the root cause of that.

If you haven’t been following along please check my previous posts about this experment to get the details.

Proud minnow, eager to grow.

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