KURE Development Update 6 - View Content and Communities, Request to Join Communities, and Approve/Deny Requests

Some important achievements to interactivity and UX were made this week. Viewing communities is now available, finally. Kinda hard to join a community if you can't see them, right? With that done, I got the actual joining of communities done as well ;)

Previously, joining a community was only possible through someone adding a user manually. Now, a user can request to join a community. Staff can then choose to Approve or Deny the request to join the community.

Also, viewing content from Steem can be done. Preciously, a post could be added from the post summary listing alone on the Kurate page, or manually with the URL. Now, you can click on the title of content and view it, then add the post to a community from there.

Some other data improvements were also done, such as showing the current number of Users and Join Requests in a community, as well as updating the data when you add, delete, approve or deny users.

I think it's time for the site to go up? What do you think?




  1. What is KURE?
  2. New Features
    2.1 View Content from Steem
    2.2 Communities Page to View Communities
    2.3 User Send Request to Join a Community
    2.4 Community Staff can Approve or Deny a Request to Join
  3. Bug Fixes
    3.1 Home page not updating when going back to the page
  4. Other Changes/Improvements
    4.1 Users and Join Request info for Community listed
  5. Pull Request / Latest Commits
  6. Roadmap
  7. Contact

1. What is KURE?

Kindred United to Reward Everyone.

A Community Platform and Curation Network Remedy for Steem

Do you want to find content that other people really value? How?

Upvotes don't do it, because so many upvotes come from autovoting, autobots, or curation trails. You don't know if a vote for content is done by a real person, or some automation. The content isn't being evaluated when it's automated.

Imagine a curation network where people are interacted through community groups to share and value content, and you can really see what they value globally through various communities that people organize and collaborate together to build.

KURE provides a network hub for people to create their own community groups for evaluating content to curate. It will also develop into communities to create posts within.

Create your own communities and have others join to contribute. Make up your own criteria. Manage who can add curation links to your community group. Anyone else can follow your community and engage.

My goal is to make content easier for everyone to find by all of us sharing the content we like trough communities. Others can find communities they are interested in and see what is being curated within that community to also support it with upvotes, resteems and comments.

Maybe you want to share what you value, and get others to see it or support it, but don't want to resteem it, or want more people to see it. On KURE, the community you create and those who are involve din it will popularize content you value and allow others to see it. Another way of thinking about it, is it's kind of like having a custom community feed, based on a community that engages in creating it, rather than just one person.

2. New Features

Video Demonstration

2.1 View Content from Steem

Instead of just viewing the summary of content in a list format on the Kurate page, you can actually view the whole post now! Wo0ot!

Click on the title, and you will be brought to post page for viewing.


The author, category and time are already in a component used for the post summary listings. So I just use that again and pass in the data I get from the Steem blockchain.

Then, I set the HTML of the content body of the post in question, and follow that by the post actions for upvoting, comments, resteeming and flagging.

Code Snippet

I had some trouble getting regular links to images to show up as an image. e.g. https://...jpg would just stay like that and not show the image. After messing around with some regex from the Steemit condenser code, I got it working ;)

2.2 Communities Page to View Communities

Another important part that was previously missing, was the ability to see what communities existed. For now, you can view the Newly Created and Recently Active communities. They display some data about each community, such as the number of Posts and Users, when it was Created, and who the Owner is.


The Recently Active part has the options to join communities, which I will improve upon and add elsewhere later on. I just put it there only for now to get it working.

2.3 User Send Request to Join a Community

This is a big step towards interactivity between users on the site. With the communities visible, you can request to join them.

If you're not a member of a community, you can click on Join. It will then change to Requested. If you're already a member, you won't see any option to join.


Depending on the user being logged in or not, and their access level, a different option appears.

If not logged in, you see Login to Join.
If logged in, and not joined, you see the option to Join.
If you pressed Join, you then see Requested as the status for the community.
If you joined the community, you see nothing ;)

Code Snippet

When requesting a join, the view gets updated, and the request gets sent to the database for the group members to know and see that a request has been made which needs to be approved or denied.

2.4 Community Staff can Approve or Deny a Request to Join

In the Manage section, there is now a Join Requests section above the Members list:

You can see the User who requested to join the community, When they requested to join, and the actions to Approve or Deny the request to join.


As a staff member, you can choose to Approve or Deny a request to join a community you own or manage. When you click either, a loader spinner shows up to lock out the table row, and stops once the database update has been completed.

Code Snippet

3. Bug Fixes

3.1 Home page not updating when going back to the page

Something was not working right when going back to the Home page after visiting another page and having already been there. For example, click on Home, then on Manage, then back on Home. Home wasn't fetching new data. So when a new post or user was added, clicking on Home would simply show the old data.

I finally figured out the issue, and it was some code I used to originally build the Redux part of the site. I used Redux on the home page data fetching only (in addition to the authentication). Once I removed the if() check to not update the data, the data was getting updated each time the page was visited. That way, any new data added, like a new user or post, would now be seen.

4. Other Changes/Improvements

4.1 Users and Join Request info for Community listed

Some minor changes, but important for the UX (user experience), are some stats for the communities you can see in the Manage page.

In addition to Posts, the Users and Join Requests are now visible. They will update on-the-fly when you manually add/delete a user, or when approving or denying a user who has requested to join.


When the user is approved or rejected, the onUserUpdate function gets called to increment or decrement the User count for the community info being displayed. The state gets updated and re-renders the page with the new correct info.

Code Snippet

5. Pull Request / Latest Commits

I forgot to merge the PR #3, so the previous commits from this week were added to PR #3 and merged. You can view them below. A small PR has been issued this week.

Misplaced commits in PR #3:

These were meant for PR #4, but I forgot to merge PR #3 and kept committing the new code there...

New PR #4

6. Roadmap

I got the Communities page and Post viewing done from the previous roadmap. I also went for the Join Requests that wasn't included in the past weeks' work roadmap, but was a good thing to get done sooner ;)

Coming up:

  • More work on the Communities page
  • Liking and rating submissions
  • Upvoting
  • Posting content to Steem (not just curation post submissions)
  • Posting comments
  • Posts submitted page
  • Infinite scroll

You can see the longer roadmap in a previous post.

7. Contact

If you want to contact me, you can reach me on Discord at https://discord.gg/ApUp4jJ, or email at krnel@protonmail.com. I'm not really on steem.chat, but I think I get emails if you send me a message.

  • Discord
  • Email: krnel@protonmail.com

Thank you for your time, attention and support! I appreciate it!


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