Making Steemit Posts Pluggable to Wordpress Sites - GK Steemit Info Update

Last time I posted about my work on a plugin that allows adding some steemit related information onto your wordpress site: GK Steemit Info
If you missed the prior post, you can check it out here Wordpress Plugin: GK Steemit Info


Quick Recap

GK Steemit info is essentially a plugin whose purpose is to allow more promotion and visibility to steemit, via providing an easily pluggable plugin to wordpress sites, whereby site owners can easily append this info onto their site.
Initially in the first version, the plugin allowed adding widgets and/or shortcodes which would enable the display of steemit user count on your wordpress site, along with some promotional info about steemit.

New Development Work

  • We have now added support for another widget/shortcode that would allow the display of a user's recent posts that are available on steemit. You can now insert one or more widgets/shortcodes, and from the widget's configuration, decide upon which user's posts you would like to display, and how many of those. The shortcode offers a similar approach via using
    [steemit_user_posts username=USERNAME limit=LIMIT]
    Each post displays as a title/url along with the current pending or paid monetary value of each post (to highlight that steemit is all about making money :) )
  • Also due to the recent deprecation of steemd, we needed to adjust the plugin's code to make it functional again.
  • Some code refactoring and optimizations have been also implemented

Downloading the plugin

The plugin is available on the official GitHub repository.
The most recent commit is accessible via this link
Feel free to check it out. Let me know should you have any questions or suggestions to further improve the plugin, all are welcome ! :)

Thank you


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