Woo Product Remover - Clean up your online woocommerce installation

I wanted to take the opportunity to create my first utopian-io submission and highlight my wordpress / woocommerce plugin called Woo Product Remover.

But before we indulge into the details of what it is, let's shed some light about what wordpress and woocommerce are, for anyone who's not much familiar with them.

  • Wordpress is practically a platform that allows you to create your online presence / website. While initially created to be a blogging platform (kinda like steemit), yet it grew to become a full-fledged CMS (Content Management System) allowing anyone to host their site, ranging from a small personal website, into a huge business solution. It can be easily hosted on anyone's server or hosting, and has thousands of plugins expanding its functionality to practically give it the tremendous flexibility it has.
  • Woocommerce is actually one of those plugins that works on top of wordpress, and turns the wordpress site into a complete online business portal allowing selling products, receiving payments online, tracking shipments and so on and so forth.

So, what is Woo Product Remover ?

Photo Credit: Own Work

Basically it's a free open source wordpress plugin, working along with woocommerce, which I created for the purposes to accommodate for the missing functionality not properly catered for by any other plugins, and that allows cleaning up all your product database upon need when you wish to do that.
Essentially, many wordpress and woocommerce installations need to perform some product trials and tests upon a variety of sample products, and across different product types as supported by woocommerce. Cleansing the system before go live can be troublesome, which is why Woo Product Remover came to exist!
With a single click, and instantaneous results due to utilizing direct queries to the database, Woo Product Remover allows removing all products and across different product types from your woocommerce installation, making it ready for your next product entry round, or final live round.
A sample screen of my plugin minimalist interface can be seen in following screenshot:

Photo Credit: Own Work

Result success screen after product deletion, with removal details:

Photo Credit: Own Work

For further details about the plugin, you can consult Wordpress Plugin link here or GitHub link here

Promoting my plugin

I did a lot of effort across the months to promote my plugin, including but not limited to:

This effort yielded 4,200+ downloads of the plugin, with 5/5 reviews and 1,000+ active installations

Photo Credit: Screenshot taken from wordpress plugin stats under advanced view

Some of the reviewers' feedback include:

Photo Credit: Screenshot taken from wordpress plugin reviews page

GitHub Entry

I hadn't created a related GitHub entry for this project before, yet I found that it's a greater opportunity to allow contribution, if anyone is interested, and it opens the doors for making it accessible via @utopian-io.
Here is the GitHub link as well: https://github.com/mcfarhat/Woo-Product-Remover
So today, utilizing @utopian-io, I believe our sharing experience got a little better, and even better targeted towards the right audience.

I hope you found this useful, and that it helps better promote Woo Product Remover, bringing its benefits to a bigger audience while also spreading further info about wordpress and woocommerce along the way - platforms which have been offering great value for online presence and business across the globe.

Thank you for reading through!


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