Analyzing Delegation Generously Given by @Stellabelle

People that delegate their own SteemPower to another Steemain for no financial gain are the most selfless Steemits this platform has to offer.

The more SteemPower (SP) you have the higher your vote is worth. The more your vote is worth, the more you can reward authors on Steemit, and the more you can earn in curation rewards.

So anyone that delegates SP without looking for a financial reward is actually at a financial loss because they could have earned curation rewards with the power themselves.

This post is a dedication to one such person. @stellabelle. Over the last few month Stellabelle has delegated power to a number of Steemains, me being one of them. Not only this but Stella has also worked behind the scenes with others to identify accounts worthy of receiving delegated power. You can read all about it here


The aim of this post, I hope, is to make @stellabelle proud by showing her how much reach her delegated power has had. And also to show you, how much impact it is possible to have as a delegator.

But there is something that is not included in this data. That is the personal effect this delegation has had on each one of the Steemians that received the power.

I can only speak for myself in this, but receiving this power has done so much for me. I didn’t think my reputation on Steemit would grow like it has done. This power has given me exposure that I couldn’t have imagined. It has given me confidence not only in myself but also in Steemit as a platform and the community around it. It has made me believe Steemit is the place to be and I will be a strong part of it moving forward.

I did previously analyse the data on my votes before, you can check out that post here

This post is more of an overview analysis post showcasing the reach this selfless act by Stella has achieved.

The table below shows each of the accounts that Stella has delegated power to, along with the date of delegation and the amount of SP delegated. I have added a column to this data to show how much this delegated power is worth with a 100% vote


I have connected to the Steemsql database using the following query

Txvotes (NOLOCK)
 WHERE [voter] in ('ashleykalila', 'crimsonclad', 'futurethinker',  'inquiringtimes', 'juliakponsford', ' 
   kubbyelizabeth', ' limabeing ','mikepm74', 'paulag','reveur', 'thekittygirl')
   and timestamp >= CONVERT(datetime,'10/01/2017') 
  and timestamp< CONVERT(datetime,'12/28/2017')

I then used DAX to further filter and apply calculations to the data.


@ashleykalila received delegation from Stella on the 29th Nov, so we have less than a month’s data to look at.

We can see since delegation, @ashleykalila has voted 485 times and has reached 185 different authors. The aver % voting weight was 39.09% and the value of these votes which can be attributed to Stellas delegation is $147.86


@crimsonclad received delegation from Stella on the 19th Nov.

Over the 39 days @crimsonclad voted 1302 times and reached 5409 different authors (wow that’s amazing) the average voting weight was 9.09% and the median voting weight was 8%. The value of these votes which can be attributed to Stella’s delegation is $634.00


@futurethinker received delegation from Stella on the 28th Nov

Over the month @futurethinker voted 621 times and reached 225 different authors. The average voting weight was 49.6% and the median voting weight was 43%. The value of these votes which can be attributed to Stella’s delegation is $200.47


@inquiringtimes received delegation from Stella on the 19th Nov

Since delegation from Stella @inquiringtimes voted 1345 times and reached 534 different authors. The average voting weight was 9.09% and the median voting weight was 8%. The value of these votes which can be attributed to Stella’s delegation is $953.95


@juliakponsford received delegation from Stella on the 28th Nov

Since delegation from Stella @juliakponsford voted 1791 times and reached 435 different authors. The average voting weight was 20.61% and the median voting weight was 20%. The value of these votes which can be attributed to Stella’s delegation is $239.96


@kubbyelizabeth received delegation from Stella on the 19th Nov

In the time since delegation from Stella @kubbyelizabeth voted 4100 times and reached 928 different authors. The average voting weight was 14.42% and the median voting weight was 4.5%. The value of these votes which can be attributed to Stella’s delegation is $780.28


@limabeing received delegation from Stella on the 27th Nov

Since receiving delegation from Stella @limabeing voted 210 times and reached 152 different authors. The average voting weight was 89.4% and the median voting weight was 100%. The value of these votes which can be attributed to Stella’s delegation is $360.56


@mikepm74 received delegation from Stella on the 10th Nov

@mikepm74 has voted 1387 times and reached 676 authors since receiving delegation. The average vote weight was 41% and the median was 27%. The value of these votes which can be attributed to Stella’s delegation is $1531.04 (wow awesome)


I received delegation on the 29th October, so I have had it longer that the others in this report. During this time I have voted 1894 times reaching 722 authors. My average voting weight was 36.6% and the median weight was 20%.


The value of these votes which can be attributed to Stella’s delegation is $3695.49


@reveur received delegation from Stella on the 28th Nov

Since then @reveur has voted 812 times and has reached 329 authors with an average voting weight of 57% and a median of 80%. The value of these votes which can be attributed to Stella’s delegation is $372.53


@thekittygirl received delegation from Stella on the 27th Nov


With 956 votes to 287 different authors, @thekittygirl has voted with an average 27.5% weight. The value of these votes which can be attributed to Stella’s delegation is $346.51.


The effects of delegation are felt much further than to just the person that receives the delegation. With Stellas power, the combined Steemains above have left votes worth $9,262 on 5.8K different authors posts.

Speaking for myself, I know I would not have voted as much if I did not receive this delegation, so anyone that has received votes from me, you can thank my delegators for the generous rewards.
I hope this post stands as a testimony to @stellebella and her selfless act of delegation. I also hope that it encourages others to do the same.

This post has been set to 50%/50% payment. Any SBD received from this post will be used to purchase STEEM at a lower price.

I am part of a Blockchain Business Intelligence community. We all post under the tag #BlockchainBI. If you have an analysis you would like carried out on Steemit or Blockchain data, please do contact me or any of the#BlockchainBI team and we will do our best to help you...

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Posted on - Rewarding Open Source Contributors

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