STEEMPUNK-NET weapon suggestions for the refined palette.

Steempunk-net weapon suggestions for the refined palette.
(i.e.: For those of us who want something other than a gun.)

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Keeping in mind that I favour the more traditional Victorian England Steampunk setting, I am offering the following submissions for the game’s beta consideration.

(The pictures used are mere depictions of what the artists could work from in designing these ultimate accessories (aka I am rubbish at drawing), be they for the Aristocrat or the Adventurer among us.)

Bolt of Great Surprise

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This is the small, discrete weapon of choice for any savvy Steempunker. Designed to be tucked up inside a long sleeve while strapped to the forearm and loaded with a number of small bolts, it can be deployed quickly and effectively when faced with a situation involving (men) an angry & cuckolded husband or (women) an overly amorous rake.

Pretty Parasol of Lethal Consequence

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Don’t let the look of this frilly umbrella fool you! Inside the tip is secreted a small stash of poison-tipped darts, able to be deployed with a discrete touch of a button located along the handle whether the parasol is open or closed; while the base of the handle, with a mere twist, can be pulled apart to release a thin, but extremely sharp blade. No gal, or guy if so inclined, should be without one.

Cane of Potential Enlightenment

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Out from the knob's hat, small power-packed bolts such as those also used in the crossbow (interchangeable arsenal is an efficient concept!) can be deployed with the press of a button hidden within the face on top of the cane; and, like with the parasol, a twist of the knob reveals a razor-sharp blade which is not only extremely effective in close-range fighting but, with practice, can be deployed as a long-range throwing knife against those enemies who are (quite cowardly, it seems) running away from the battle.

Shears of Subtle Snippy Doom

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Tiny … lethal … effective. What more is there to say? They are small enough to be hidden in plain sight on a costume, as either a hat or cravat pin. A simple twist could see the two blades come apart to create a doubly efficient weapon for two-handed combat. As a bonus, they can be jammed down the shafts of most of the guns, rendering them pretty much unusable.

Old-School Device of Instant Clarity

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When you’ve run out of steam (or steem), fall back on the classics. A small dagger designed to be tucked inside a shoe near the ankle and ready at a moment’s notice without having to power-up first. Practice could see one effectively retrieving such an item out of the shoe even while engaged in a dead sprint either away from, or - better still - towards, the enemy.

The Key of Tranquility

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I know, the whole point of these suggestions was to steer clear of guns, BUT I saw it and just couldn’t resist adding it to the list! What appears to be an innocent key, which could be worn on a chain around one’s neck or tucked away in a pocket or purse is in fact a powerful wee weapon dispensing shots of great potency. Miniature darts are loaded with a tranquiliser, which would render your victim asleep in mere moments. It can also be handy in opening locked doors.

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