Chinese Simplified Translation to GDevelop-website // Calling Out For More Translators

Contribution to the G Develop Website Open Source - Translated to Simplified Chinese Language

GDevelop website is an open source game creation software that allows people to make games for the web (HTML5) or for Windows and Linux. No programming or coding skill is required so it is easy to use and powerful enough for advanced users.

This is a worthwhile project to support and they are calling out for people to contribute to their open source project by doing translations. So I have chosen to translate the project to Simplified Chinese Version.


Proof of Traditional Simplified Chinese Completed

Here is the public link to show that that Simplified Chinese Translation is completed.

Screen Shot to show that the Translation has reached 100%

Here is the proof of the translation 100% completed.


-- The yellow highlights the project: G Develop, Chinese Simplified Translated

-- The red box is the link where I click to do the translation: "All strings to be translated for the website". All the translation done for this open source project is inside the url link here.

-- The Blue line reaches 100% meaning that the translation is done 100% where the red arrow is pointing to.

-- The Green line shows that part of this project has now been approved already.

My Profile on my Dashboard proof - I have done the Chinese Simplified Translation for this project

The dashboard also gives you proof that you have done this translation.


On my profile page, it lists the number of projects I have contributed in the translation.

I have boxed in the GDevelop Website pointing to the right side that I have finished doing the Chinese Simplified Translation.

Proof of Translation inside the Translating Pages

There are actually 3 Rounds of 3 Pages that I need to translate.

Before translation, the page looks like this:


-- You see that this is Page 1 of 3. There are 3 Pages that need translating.
-- the orange bullet shows that the sentence needs to be translated one by one
-- So I went through the translation line by line.
-- The screen shot doesn't show you all the sentences as you see the cursor slide there that needs moving
-- So it takes a while to finish one page.

Pages that Show the Translation Is Done

Inside the translation pages, it shows you the strings of sentences to translate.


The 2 drawn arrows shown that I have completed the entire page of translation. All the orange bullets have turned green. Only when this entire page is finished can we move on to the 2nd Page and the 3rd Page.

There are 3 rounds of these 3 Pages that need translating.

So I kept on translating until I get to the end to 100% Done.

Proof that Translation is Completed

Once my translation is done, the Chinese Simplified Icon Moves to the Bottom where it says "Translations that Needs to Be Voted"


From the screen shot, you can see that the Chinese Simplified Icon is now moved along to other languages that have been translated already.

So far 9 languages have been translated but need to be voted to get 100% Approval.

For the Chinese Simplified, it has now gone to 51% Approved because another person had already come in to proof-read the translation.

Chinese Simplified for this Language - Already 50% Approved

The following screen - green + blue line shows you that the green line has approved it 50%.


1. Calling Out Proof Readers For these 9 Langauges

Come and Proof read these 9 languages. They need to get voted in order to have 100% Approval. All you need to do is to go through the already translated script and do final proof - reading.


2. Calling Out for Translators for this project

The Translation page also shows you other languages that this open source projects need to get translated.


Look at how big the demand is.

There are 36 languages that need translation. So if you are native speakers of these languages, come and join us in the translation project so that we can get this GDevelop Open Source project to take off to go global.

Thank you for your attention,

Thank you for reading this post! Do consider helping out this Open Source Project GDevelop Website to go global.

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