Contribution to Open Source Project: Music Online - Translation to Traditional Chinese // Calling out for Translators

Today, I finished translating a new Open Source Project: Music Online Android app.

Music is my area of expertise and this is why I chose this app to get their project going so that more Chinese people can use this Music Online App.

Proof of Translation to Traditional Chinese 100%

Here is the Translation link:

Here are the Screen Shot Proof - Translation Done


-- this is my Second Translation Project, so you see the listing of Music Online as the second one
-- on the right, you see the translation done: Traditional Chinese

Proof of Translation was 0% Done in the Beginning


-- From the Screen shot, you see a list of language requiring translation
-- You can see from the screen shot that some languages had already begun by other translators
-- Our task is to choose languages with 0%
-- I chose Chinese Traditional because it is 0%

Proof of Translation done to 100%


The translation is named: strings.xml

You need to keep translating 3 rounds of 6 pages to get the blue line to reach 100%

After you finish each round, you need to come back to this page to click on the blue link to get to the 2nd round.

After the 2nd round, you come back to this page to click to finish the 3rd round to get the blue line reaching 100% telling you that your translation is finished.

3 Rounds of 6 Pages of Translation


-- here you see Page 1 of 6 Pages
-- There are 3 rounds of 6 pages

Some Pages have Repeat Word Strings, so you will actually see yourself there again.


  • Even though you have 3 Rounds of 6 Pages, some pages repeat themselves, so it is not that difficult.
    -- as you can see I started last night, so it registered that I translated this word already
    -- and when I came in to continue the translation today, it shows how I translated that word last night, so there are actually some duplicate translations on this app although there are 3 rounds of 6 Pages.

A little timeline of the translation


-- sometimes when the translation is tiring, you can always let it sit for another day and continue the next day.

Proof of Numbers of Words Translated


-- Here it says 1949 words need translated
-- I only translated 1885 words
-- at the right hand lower corner, it tells that some words are hidden and therefore cannot be translated
-- this is why there is a discrepancy of the word counts there.

Chinese Translation Completed - Need Voted to Approve

Finally, you will see that the Chinese Translation goes to the Completed Section


-- When other translators come in to proof read, they can choose any one of these completed translations
-- And once they finish proof reading by voting, this will get the translation 100% approved.

Calling out for More Translators for this Open Source Project - Music Online


-- Take a look at the above screen shot and you will see 25 more langauges needing translation
-- If you are fluent in these languages, please take up the translation to get this project moving.

Thank you for your attention,

Thank you for reading this post! Hope this post can help the Open Source Project Music Online to go forward.

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