How To Have Loyal Followers on Steemit & Strategies

Today I want to blog about how to have loyal followers on Steemit. Since I have gained 615 followers on the Steemit Platform, I feel that I have a little bit of experience to share with you so that you can succeed on Steemit..

Is 615 a lot?

What does this number really mean? Is it that the higher the number, the better success you have? Not necessarily. It boils down to what kind of followers they are.

Have Few but True Followers

I would prefer that all my 615 followers are true followers. I am really not interested in increasing the number of followers for the sake of number. Numbers don't count if these followers don't read every singe one of your posts. They are actually dead followers occupying a number space.

From the Steemit board, I see that some people have thousands of followrers but these Steemians don't blog. These are just a number on the list and not real people interacting with you. I don't follow these people. And I don't want them to follow me either.

Follow Your ACTIVE Followers

What you want in our blog is to have 'active' followers who are interested in your work. These are the followers that I follower back also.

How to have 'active' followers?

Active followers are the ones who comment on your blog.

  • Whenever I see a comment on my blog, I always reply.
  • When I reply, I look at their profile and follow them.

Active followers usually upvote your blog post.

  • I always go through the list of people who upvote me.
  • I figure that if they spend time to read my post and reward me, I need to spend time to look up their profile and read their blogs.
  • I follow them back.

My Strategies in gaining followers

I will list out some of the strategies I have in gaining a following. As we grow on the Steemit platform, we want to build our own community of people with interaction. These need to be genuine people who enjoy spending time talking to you and you talking to them. That's how we build up a relationship.

  1. Sometimes there are newbies coming on board and they would comment on my blog. After I give them a reply, they also comment back. These are the newbies I will want to put some effort to get to know them. And I am often surprised by the great content of these newbies. These followers are your most 'loyal' followers.

  2. If I want to follow someone and the person has not followed me yet, I will go their blog and write comments to get to know them. Usually after a few exchange, we become friends. They will follow me back. This is how I gain a good follower.

  3. I also invite my friends from other platforms to come aboard. These are my true followers because they read everyone of my post. They also upvote everyone of my posts. Since these people are friends before my time on Steemit, they will also become friends of me on this new platform. In my time, I have brought many people from one platform to the next, and they follow me wherever I go.

  4. Whenever I travel, I also make it a point to introduce Steemit to new people. These new people will surely follow you.

Make your own Steemit Cap

This cap is really a good icebreaker meeting new travelers. They have all kinds of questions to ask me when they see my cap.

They ask me what is @rosatravels.

They ask me about the Steemit logo.

Apparently, everyone I met had not heard of Steemit at all. It thought Steemit is very popular. But not so. Facebook they know but not Steemit.

Prepare Steemit cards to give to them

I also have steemit cards to give to these people. They love it.

When they get home, they sign up on Steemit. They follow you.

Take pictures with them.

We always get a conversation going that they will ask me what I do and they want to join in the fun. They love taking pictures of this Steemit cap.

Look how proud he looks.


This next pictures is a pilot of the hot air balloon.


This guy is too happy. He owns the family business hotel. Soon you will see him blogging about his home town Cappadocia. He loves horse back riding.


This little boy works for his father in the bakery shop.


You can share about Steemit when you go to bakery shops. The opportunities are all there for you to grab.

Wherever you go, put on your Steemit Cap!

When you get into a car, put your Steemit cap on.

Stop by the gas station and the guy will ask you about your cap. They are very bored with their work. Your conversation will liven up their day.

Reach out a little in your neighbourhood to get true followers.

These followers GO a long way.

Hope this will give you some ideas of how to get an ACTIVE following that interacts with you!

Thank you for reading this post.

Yes, Follow Me!

Hope you have enjoyed reading this post as much as I have written it. Keep blogging on with values. That's the spirit of steemit.

谢谢你的阅读!希望你喜欢。如果你喜欢我的分享, 请点赞并跟随我。

You can contact me at Utopian here: @rosatravels
You can contact me at Steemit here: @rosatravels
You can contact me at my Website here:

Posted on - Rewarding Open Source Contributors

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