Minecolonies | Chinese Simplified Translation

Responding to @reggaemuffin requests to get his Open Source project moving by helping out with the translation, I have started translating both the Chinese Simplified and Tradition version of his very interesting Minecolonies game.

Minecolonies is actually a multiplayer modification for the popular game Minecraft and @reggaemuffin had started this project a few months ago already. We hope very soon, his app is available for global worldwide, especially to the chinese population all over the world.

First, the Simplified Form of the Chinese Version.

Proof of Translation in Simplified Chinese:

Here is the Proof of the Simplified Form Version completed in 50%.

As you can see, I have started the work at zero and have reached 50% already, more than what is required from the Utopian rule. To finish at 31 % was already sufficient.

Created 22 Comments on the translation board

This time, the translation was a lot of fun because as I translated, I was able to comment with quick replies right away from the project manager.

So during this early part of the translation, especially in the beginning when I was not sure of the terms that apply specifically to the game, I commented on 22 strings to get clarification:


Process of Translation

These 22 comments were very valuable because I was able to get quick answer right away from the project manager, and it was as if we were working on this project together online in real time.

In the past when I did translation, I was alone solely working on the entire project with no response from the project manager.

Here are 2 screen shots to show you what we had discussed with each other in the 22 strings:



Here are Samples of my translation in Simplified form in the first half of this project:

它是导电? General Strings 03:37 AM
金河 General Strings 03:36 AM
那是铁吗? General Strings 03:36 AM
那是什么? General Strings 03:36 AM
我是蝙蝠侠. General Strings 03:36 AM
入侵. General Strings 03:36 AM
大腿骨. General Strings 03:36 AM
棒极了. General Strings 03:36 AM
得手! General Strings 03:35 AM
修理市政厅 General Strings 03:30 AM
技能 General Strings 03:30 AM
没有小屋 General Strings 03:30 AM
工作订单 General Strings 03:30 AM
装饰物 General Strings 03:30 AM
建造市政厅 General Strings 03:30 AM
解雇工人 General Strings 03:30 AM
旧的魔法书 General Strings 03:29 AM
供应营箱子 General Strings 03:29 AM
供应营箱子 General Strings 03:28 AM
旧的魔法书 General Strings 03:28 AM
旧的魔法书 General Strings 03:27 AM
森林砍伐 General Strings 03:26 AM
渔夫 General Strings 03:22 AM
矿工 General Strings 03:22 AM
农夫 General Strings 03:22 AM
运送员 General Strings 03:21 AM
农场 General Strings 03:21 AM
农田 General Strings 03:21 AM
设定 General Strings 03:21 AM
自动 General Strings 03:21 AM
节点 General Strings 03:21 AM
未就职者: %d General Strings 03:21 AM
访问市民箱子: General Strings 03:21 AM
添加块/位置: General Strings 03:21 AM
添加玩家: General Strings 03:21 AM
小屋 General Strings 03:20 AM
升级建筑物 General Strings 03:20 AM
权限 General Strings 03:20 AM
魅力: %d General Strings 03:20 AM
建筑师 General Strings 03:20 AM
敏捷: %d General Strings 03:19 AM
修理建筑物 General Strings 03:19 AM
切换规格 General Strings 03:19 AM
雇佣 General Strings 03:19 AM
樵夫小屋 General Strings 03:11 AM
建造建筑物 General Strings 03:11 AM
手動 General Strings 03:10 AM
建筑者︰%d General Strings 03:10 AM
建立请求创建! General Strings 03:10 AM
交付到石匠: General Strings 03:09 AM
行动 General Strings 03:09 AM
没有可用的升级 General Strings 03:09 AM
面包师: %d General Strings 03:08 AM
农民: %d General Strings 03:08 AM
伐木: %d General Strings 03:08 AM
卫兵: %d General Strings 03:08 AM
渔民: %d General Strings 03:08 AM
矿工: %d General Strings 03:08 AM
运送员: %d General Strings 03:07 AM
选择一个工作人员作工 General Strings 03:07 AM
资讯 General Strings 03:06 AM
重命您的群落 General Strings 03:05 AM
耐力: %d General Strings 03:05 AM
占位符块 General Strings 03:04 AM
鲸鱼的故事。 General Strings 02:56 AM
我应该卖掉它吗? General Strings 02:56 AM
大量的鱼! General Strings 02:55 AM
足够填饱我的家人 General Strings 02:55 AM
好吃! General Strings 02:54 AM
我是个专业建筑师! General Strings 02:54 AM
在摇滚上! General Strings 02:54 AM
我们建造了这座城市..。 General Strings 02:54 AM
我想我能应付 General Strings 02:54 AM
我的头顶上有个屋顶 General Strings 02:54 AM
请在库存中留出空间以使用此功能。 General Strings 02:52 AM
已禁用 General Strings 02:51 AM
设置守卫目标. General Strings 02:51 AM
设置巡逻阵地。 General Strings 02:51 AM
跟随 General Strings 02:51 AM
巡逻 General Strings 02:51 AM
守卫 General Strings 02:50 AM
开 General Strings 02:50 AM
关 General Strings 02:50 AM
自动 General Strings 02:50 AM
手动 General Strings 02:50 AM
弓兵 General Strings 02:50 AM
骑士 General Strings 02:50 AM
尝试检索低健康: General Strings 02:50 AM
查找巡逻目标: General Strings 02:49 AM
将守卫分配给作业: General Strings 02:49 AM
卫兵-行动: General Strings 02:48 AM
一把武器! General Strings 02:48 AM
请建造小屋来雇用一名工人。 General Strings 02:48 AM
卫兵 General Strings 02:44 AM
卫兵塔 General Strings 02:44 AM
卫兵塔 General Strings 02:44 AM
远离中心 %d 方块. General Strings 02:44 AM
离临近的殖民地 %d 方块远 (需要 %d 来放置一个殖民地) General Strings 02:41 AM
没有封闭的群落! General Strings 02:38 AM
在你的存货中找不到小屋。 General Strings 02:37 AM
没有人 General Strings 02:37 AM
被使用的农田, 使用者: <%s> General Strings 02:36 AM
未使用的 General Strings 02:36 AM
西 General Strings 02:36 AM
东 General Strings 02:35 AM
南 General Strings 02:35 AM
北 General Strings 02:35 AM
将领域分配给农民: General Strings 02:34 AM
稻草人 General Strings 02:33 AM
当前规格: General Strings 02:33 AM
矿工 General Strings 02:33 AM
雇佣工人 General Strings 02:32 AM
工人雇佣模式: General Strings 02:32 AM
%s 的群落 General Strings 02:30 AM
没有小屋可用 General Strings 02:29 AM
指定了的工人: General Strings 02:29 AM
召回工人 General Strings 02:29 AM
添加建设队列. General Strings 02:28 AM
渔夫的小屋 General Strings 02:27 AM
强度: %d General Strings 02:27 AM
交给铁匠 General Strings 02:27 AM
需要的资源 General Strings 02:26 AM
等级 General Strings 02:26 AM
召回公民 General Strings 02:26 AM
我要更多! General Strings 02:26 AM
我喜欢鱼. General Strings 02:26 AM
更多小麦! General Strings 02:26 AM
伟大的农夫! General Strings 02:26 AM
农业经济。 General Strings 02:26 AM
一个农夫 General Strings 02:26 AM
鲸鱼捕手! General Strings 02:25 AM
一个渔夫 General Strings 02:25 AM
一个渔民. General Strings 02:25 AM
放置更多农田来使我工作. General Strings 02:25 AM
我需要%s 来种植。 General Strings 02:25 AM
请定义一个种子在稻草人身上成长。 General Strings 02:25 AM
你需要建造者才能建造或升级这座建筑物。 General Strings 02:16 AM
首都 General Strings 02:15 AM
城市 General Strings 02:15 AM
一个健康的群体 General Strings 02:15 AM
城镇 General Strings 02:15 AM
几个迷失的灵魂 General Strings 02:15 AM
定居 General Strings 02:14 AM
一名钻石采集者 General Strings 02:14 AM
钻石发现者! General Strings 02:14 AM
挖挖洞 General Strings 02:14 AM
矿工人 General Strings 02:08 AM
一个真正的伐木工人 General Strings 02:07 AM
砍 砍 General Strings 02:07 AM
只是一个伐木刀 General Strings 02:07 AM
多么高尚的人 General Strings 02:07 AM
声誉 General Strings 02:07 AM
住的地方 General Strings 02:06 AM
公民! General Strings 02:06 AM
多么强大的人! General Strings 02:06 AM
建筑师! General Strings 02:06 AM
建造基础... General Strings 02:06 AM
一个建筑工人 General Strings 02:05 AM
建立你自己的定居点 General Strings 02:05 AM
建立一个群落 General Strings 02:04 AM
成为一个更好的建筑师 General Strings 02:03 AM
建筑魔杖 General Strings 02:03 AM
获取用品 General Strings 02:03 AM
一个新的开始 General Strings 02:03 AM
%d 被一个弓箭手野蛮蹂躏 General Strings 02:02 AM
%d 被一个伟大的酋长驯化! General Strings 02:02 AM
%d 被野蛮人切成薄片 General Strings 02:01 AM
野蛮酋长 General Strings 02:01 AM
射手野蛮人 General Strings 02:01 AM
野蛮人 General Strings 02:00 AM
渔夫的小屋离水太远了! General Strings 02:00 AM
请升级我的小屋以挖更深! General Strings 01:59 AM
我需要更多 %s! General Strings 01:58 AM
您已经放置了供应船或供应营地! General Strings 01:57 AM
公民 General Strings 01:56 AM
群落名称: General Strings 01:56 AM
智力: %d General Strings 01:55 AM
公民人数: %d/%d General Strings 01:55 AM
木材杰克 General Strings 01:55 AM
建造者的小屋 General Strings 01:55 AM
没有装饰物 General Strings 01:55 AM
公民小屋 General Strings 01:54 AM
交付给卫兵: General Strings 01:54 AM
工人等级: %s General Strings 01:54 AM
建筑类型: General Strings 01:54 AM
矿井水平 General Strings 01:54 AM
重命群落 General Strings 01:49 AM
矿群落- 配置 General Strings 01:49 AM
卫兵-权杖 General Strings 01:47 AM
卫兵 %s 在 %d %d %d 死了! General Strings 01:47 AM
守卫塔 General Strings 01:46 AM
建造一个市政厅! General Strings 01:46 AM
我们需要一个市政厅! General Strings 01:45 AM
真是个国王! General Strings 01:45 AM
我是国王! General Strings 01:45 AM
我需要更好的工具! General Strings 01:45 AM
我需要 %s! General Strings 01:44 AM
需要工具 %s! General Strings 01:44 AM
需要一个建造等级为%d的建筑者才能建造或升级这座建筑物。 General Strings 01:44 AM
我需要 %s (数量: %d) General Strings 01:43 AM
结束建造 %s General Strings 01:41 AM
开始建造 %s General Strings 01:41 AM
请在我的建筑物胸部腾出空间。 我无法转储我的广告资源。 General Strings 01:41 AM
矿群落 General Strings 01:34 AM
这是%d 由%d 的%d 立方体。 General Strings 01:32 AM
那是一个 %dx%d 的方形. General Strings 01:32 AM
那是一个 %d 方块的线. General Strings 01:32 AM
那是同一个方块. General Strings 01:32 AM
扫描保存失败 General Strings 01:30 AM
扫描成功保存为 %s General Strings 01:30 AM
扫描 _%s-%s General Strings 01:29 AM
这是相同的一点 General Strings 01:29 AM
点2保存完毕, 再次右键来保存样图 General Strings 01:29 AM
点一保存 General Strings 01:28 AM
卡尺 General Strings 01:28 AM
扫描工具 General Strings 01:27 AM
建筑工具 General Strings 01:27 AM
扣上牛仔! 今晚有一些为你而来的狙击手! General Strings 01:27 AM
首剑 General Strings 01:26 AM
古墓 General Strings 01:25 AM
____ 箱子 General Strings 01:24 AM
____ 箱子 General Strings 01:24 AM
箱子 General Strings 01:23 AM
你需要先放置一个市政厅! General Strings 01:22 AM
你需要靠近你的市政厅! General Strings 01:22 AM
离你的殖民地太远了 General Strings 01:21 AM
太靠近现有的市政厅 General Strings 01:21 AM
你不能把一个大会堂在这个世界类型 General Strings 01:20 AM
你已经放置了一个市政厅 General Strings 01:20 AM
殖民者 %s 死于 %s 的 %d %d %d! General Strings 01:20 AM
%d 已达到最大尺寸 General Strings 01:19 AM
您无权在 %s 中放置小屋。 General Strings 01:19 AM
您无权在 %s 中打开小屋。 General Strings 01:17 AM
建筑胶带 General Strings 01:16 AM
建筑胶带角落 General Strings 01:16 AM
市政厅 General Strings 01:14 AM
采石场 General Strings 01:14 AM
矿 General Strings 01:14 AM
渔夫的小屋 General Strings 01:12 AM
锯木厂 General Strings 01:12 AM
农场 General Strings 01:12 AM
建造者的小屋 General Strings 01:11 AM
锻造 General Strings 01:11 AM
面包店 General Strings 01:10 AM
公民小屋 General Strings 01:09 AM

My Crowdin Link to proof my translation work.


I started doing this translation last week on Nov 30th. Nowadays, it takes so long to be able to post a translation and to have a moderator to review it, by the time the moderator look at this link again in early December, the moderator might find that I have moved on to continue the translation to finish it.

The Github code link:


Thank you for your attention,

Hope you have enjoyed reading this post.

谢谢你的阅读!希望你喜欢。如果你喜欢我的分享, 请跟随我。

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