Reporting a Bug in the Review Page -

I want to report a bug that I see in the 'Review' page in the Platform.

For the last 2 weeks, I have been using the Utopian Platform a lot. Once in a while, I would come across a bug and usually I ignore it. But when I notice the bug keeps coming up again and again, I thought it would be appropriate to report the bug today since I have just contributed 2 posts onto the Utopian Platform.

This will help the Utopian team see the experience we have from our side.

This is in the Review Page after I contributed my 2 posts today:


I want to bring to your attention to the inconsistencies of the timing of the posts shown.

Please take a look at the following screen shot with the Markers -
Red Box and Red Arrows


I made 2 posts contribution
-- the top one says - 2 hours (older post)
-- the bottom one says - 2 minutes (newer post)

If you look at the pattern in the 'arrows' shown,
-- the newer ones should be on top of the older ones
--46 min post
--49 min post
-- 52 min post
-- 59 min post

It seems that there is a bug where my posts are not put in the order as it should like the others with the newer contribution on top.

There is some inconsistency there.

I am not sure how this affects the reviewing process.

So I just want to report this bug so that the Utopian team is aware of this.

  1. Browser: Chrome
  2. Window: Window 10
  3. Internet Speed: Fast

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