Hour of Code, Learn Programming: Localization Works @ 4% Completion

Programming is often seen as a nerdy activity that most people see as attractive to a minority of the entire population. It is often seen as highly technical that most people think of it as extremely complex for them. However, the truth is, coding has become a handy skill. It is a skill that makes it easier for people to navigate in this digital era. And if you think about all the benefits of learning programming and awesome things we can do with it, I am sure that you will also be very eager to start learning the skill.

Source: Hour of Code - Macneill

Code.org® envisions that every student in every school around the world should have the opportunity to learn programming. They have been very active with this campaign and is supported by philanthropic donations from corporations, foundations, and generous individuals. Just to name a few: Amazon, Facebook, Microsoft, Google, Bill Gates, etc.

Giant companies and people behind the technologies that we are using today have seen the great value of this project. And with this in mind, I believe that in my own little ways, I will also be able to contribute to this project. The localization of this project will surely benefit a lot of people around the world. Let's make this available in all languages, and thus help people learn to program.

Project Details

Code.org® is a non-profit dedicated to expanding access to computer science and increasing participation by women and underrepresented minorities. Our vision is that every student in every school should have the opportunity to learn computer science, just like biology, chemistry or algebra. Code.org organizes the annual Hour of Code campaign which has engaged 10% of all students in the world and provides the leading curriculum for K-12 computer science in the largest school districts in the United States. Code.org is supported by generous donors including Microsoft, Facebook, the Infosys Foundation, Google, Omidyar Network, and many more.

Source Language


Translated Language

Filipino (Tagalog)

Number Of Words

Translated: 1, 116 words

Proof of Work

My Profile: https://crowdin.com/profile/severinolorillajr
Django Girls Tutorial Project : https://crowdin.com/project/exo-platform-43

One of the images below show a screenshot of my crowdin profile. Here you can see the projects that I am currently working on, one of which is for code.org. Also shown on the images is the graph for the translation works that I have made so far.

Images below shows the screenshot of all the lines that I have translated for this project, specifically for this posting.


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