Translation for Steem Blue Paper, Simplified Chinese to 52%

Note: This post is a collaboration between @stabilowl and @victory622. I have asked permission from @victory622 to post his contributions here. The proceeding will be splitted between us accordingly.

Two months ago the Steem Blue Paper was published, which reiterated what Steem is and how it will change the content sharing landscape. A project for translating the blue paper has been put on crowdin, so we decided to give it a try.

Link to the project:

1. Proof of Work:

We started at 12% and have now pushed it to 52%. The contribution are as follows:

12% - 32%: @stabilowl
32% - 43%: @victory622
43% - 52%: @stabilowl

Here are the corresponding screenshots:
Starting Page: 12%


Final Result: 52%

Translation effort as shown in crowdin GUI

Record of contribution from project page

Record of contribution from @stabilowl account page

Record of contribution from @victory622 account page

2. Translation Details

We have now translated the following sections:
Introduction (translated previously by @stabilowl)
Proof of Brain: Smart and Social Tokens
Speed and Scale on the Steem Blockchain (Half finished)
As well as the introductory paragraph for each section of the rest of the document

The translation was complex, as it contains many technical terms, as well as terms that are unique to Steem that we tried our best to translate in the most accurate way possible to make sure the idea of Steem is passed to Chinese readers.

Here are some translations that we made and why we used them specifically:

Blockchain: 区块链

These three terms have been well translated

Cryptocurrency: 加密货币

Multiple translation exists for Cryptocurrency. We chose this one as it is a literal translation-by-meaning

Token: 代币

Multiple translation exists for Token. This translation we believe is the best one to use in this context

PoW: 工作量证明
Proof-of-Brain: 用脑量证明

POW have been previously translated by some as above. So even if in our opinion it is not a great translation, we are sticking with this translation. In which case, Proof-of-Brain has been translated similarly, literally to the proof of using brain power, which we believe best describe what it means here.

Reward Pool: 奖励库

There has been confusions in how Pool is translated, as many quote pool in Chinese as 池 which is literally a pool with water like a swimming pool. As Pool here means a collection of things rather than a literal pool of water, we believe 库 is a better translation.

DPoS: 委派式权益证明
Stake: 份额
Stake-weighted voting: 份额加权投票制
Staked Tokens: 份额代币
Vesting Schedule: 份额权行计划
Vested-tokens: 既定代币

The translation of stake is difficult here, as while it is a term borrowed from the stock market, we don't actually have physical stocks or shares. So we used the term 份额 which literally means how much you own or contribute and does not confine to shares or stocks only. Furthermore, Proof-of-Stake was translated as it has been previously, and 委派式 added to mean Delegated. Finally, as we are not dealing with stocks, Vesting schedule was translated using 份额 instead.

Content Writer:内容创作者
Witness: 见证者

There are a number of translation. In particular, we have translated curators as 鉴定者, as in like curators in a art gallery who would look at a piece of artwork and decide whether it is genuine or not. Also, 者 is used instead of 人 so that these three actors in the Steem network have the same translated form.

Consensus Protocol: 共识协议
Collective Wisdon: 集体智慧
Transaction: 交易
Contributions: 内容贡献
leveraged: 利用
framework: 框架
Hardfork: 硬分叉
Computation Load: 计算负荷
raw computing power: 计算实力
inflation rate: 通货膨胀率
Incentivized: 激励
Decentralized Exchange: 去中心化交易所
Peer-to-peer Market: 公共对等交易市场

These are mostly combinations of terms which are well translated, but when put together, we needed to think about how it needs to be presented to give the most accurate meaning. We have chosen ones that best reflect the context in the blue paper.

Hierarchical Private Key Structure:多层次私钥结构设计
Smart-Media Token:智能媒体代币
Private Owner Key:主秘钥

These terms are related to key ideas in Steem, and we have taken the effort to translate in a way that is less clumsy then it would if we tried to translate each work individually.

We hope to complete the translation of this project by the next posting.

Posted on - Rewarding Open Source Contributors

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