Promoting Steemit In Multiple Ways

Since having joined the platform four months ago in July. Me and my wife Dandalion have been exerting effort to promote Steemit to family, friends, colleagues, and even strangers in multiple ways. In this contribution I will detail three ways we've been able to do just that.

We believe in the power of the platform in empowering talented individuals most specially in developing countries such as ours, the Philippines. We started the journey into sharing our great experiences in Steemit via sharing them in Facebook, then we became part of a community of Filipino Steemians through Steemit Philippines and saw that too as an opportunity to widen our efforts in promoting the platform by speaking at those events to encourage people to sign up, and most recently in Dandalion's journey back to art; we are using her work to create further visibility of Steem and Steemit.


Through Facebook

Having very little knowledge about how the platform works in the beginning, we were not very comfortable in presenting Steemit in person. Even then though, we understood that we need to take part in promoting the platform whichever way we can.

I started sharing my experiences through a page I originally created to promote Genesis Mining. I thought it was a good idea since people who are already following the page have existing knowledge of how cryptocurrencies work, at the same time the fact they are in Facebook tells me that they are also knowledgeable about social media. Both posts together reached over 3,800 people.

Facebook Promotion #1.jpg

As we become more comfortable in the platform, I started sharing sharing our activities to friends using my own Facebook feed as shown below. This have started creating interest with people we personally know and are creating sign-ups.

Facebook Promotion #2.jpg

We believed the sharing of the posts in Facebook to have created traffic into the Steemit post as shown in the below photo. The views in Dandalion's post reached 494 from an earlier less than 150 views before sharing in Facebook.

Facebook Promotion #3.jpg

Through Dandalion's Art

One of the reasons I am thankful to Steemit is because it became an avenue for Dandalion to find her way back to creativity. Since she's been busy taking care of our family, she kinna lost touch to her creative side. Through encouragement from the community via upvotes and kind comments, she is continuing on that journey. The below is one of her first work in embroidery by hand Steemit-inspired. She have since created a couple more which are shown below.

Dandalion's Art #3.jpg

Keeping utility and creating visibility in mind for the platform, she is creating Steemit-inspired embroidered works in such a way that it will be of regular use, thus exposing as many people to it. The photo below is her Let's Grow Beautiful Things Through Steemit bag. She is using the bag in her regular trip to the market for our groceries.

Dandalion's Art #2.jpg

Being a volunteer for SteemPH's charity and community outreach events, I wanted to be able to wear something that will have some sort of label that can be associated with Steem or Steemit. Wary of the new Steemit logo being copyrighted, we chose to stick with the Steem logo insted which is licensed under Creative Commons CC0. In the cover photo, I can be seen wearing this shirt in the event.

Dandalion's Art #1.jpg

Through SteemPH Events

We have so far participated in a couple of SteemPH's outreach events. In both of the events, I took the opportunity to present Steem and Steemit to the participants.

The first one was in a SPED (School for People with Special Needs). We brought music and art to a few dozen kids with different cases from mild autism, to down syndrome, to many other types of intellectual disabilities. The below photo shows me with the kids in my group for the event, and their amazing art work on the wall.


In the video below, I tried my hardest to present Steemit to the kid's parents. The parents listened intently, and even asked questions after I spoke. We also wrote the URL in pieces of paper for them. This talk was in our local language taking into account the participants who might not be very comfortable with the international language. I presented Steemit as a way for likely stay at home parents like themselves to keep productive, and as a means of earning some extra income to support their kids' special requirements.

The event shown in the photo below was from an event last week where we were able to capture Filipino youths from both ends of the socio-econimic classes. There was a morning session where we taught basic art and music training to third year Bachelor of Science in Education students from an affluent university, and an afternoon session for functional art and livelihood for out of school youth.


In both the morning and afternoon sessions Luvabi and I were able to talk about Steemit and encouraged sign ups. We presented it quite differently to the participants of the sessions.

In the morning with the students studying in the known to be quite expensive institution, we presented Steem and Steemit as an investment opportunity, as well as something that can help them in their journey in being future educators. We spoke about how Steemit, art, and music can help them educate Filipino youth when they graduate.

While in the afternoon session with the out of school youth, we presented Steemit as an earning opportunity, at the same time as a means of learning outside the pillars of an educational institution.

Here is a photo of myself and Luvabi presenting Steemit, and SteemPH to the participants.


We will continue to find new ways to promote Steemit and help support its growth while intensifying our efforts through the three ways presented in this contribution.

Posted on - Rewarding Open Source Contributors

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