Steemit Business Intelligence: Tags Specific to Malaysia Trends & Distribution

Malaysia just like the Philippines has a lot of potential for growth. As of 2016 data from there's more than twenty one million internet users in Malaysia. At the time of the analysis, the data suggests that there are only 191 authors who have posted using #teammalaysia tag.

Like the #philippines tag, the first #malaysia tag was seen in July of 2016. I have only seen #malaysia and #teammalaysia being used as an identifier of the country of origin of authors. In contrast with Philippines based author where #philippines is still the main tag used as pointed out in an earlier contribution, Malaysian authors are mainly using #teammalaysia. In this analysis I will present the data-points showing both the number of posts, and the corresponding total rewards for #malaysia, and #teammalaysia tags. I will also present the top 20 authors using #teammalaysia in terms of total_rewards_payout.


The chart above presents an exponential growth in terms of posting using #teammalaysia as the primary tag towards the end of 2017. From as low as 4 posts in January of 2017 to 613 in December. I think our fellow Steemians in Malaysia are just getting started in terms of both growth in user-base, and activity.


This analysis will present the distribution and trend related to post count and total_payout_value of #malaysia, and #teammalaysia categories. The data will only be captured then if any of those were used as the primay tag. The analysis will also not filter the data by author to determine if he/she is a Malaysian or based in Malaysia. There will in fact be an incubator group that will show up in the top 20 authors which will be highlighted in the analysis.

The analysis will only capture the data for the posts where the tags were used and will filter out comments in calculating the count of posts, and total_payout_value.

I used arcange's Steem SQL Public Database to acquire the data-points related to usage of tags from the Comment table.


Having done earlier contribution using the Comment table in analyzing the Philippines related tags, I know that the data is quite huge. I extracted the data related to each of the tags that are subjects of this analysis by running these SQL queries:

FROM Comments (NOLOCK)
WHERE category in ('malaysia')

FROM Comments (NOLOCK)
WHERE category in ('teammalaysia')

To get the month and year date format from default date time format, I used =TEXT(timestamp,"mmm-yyyy") in excel

I removed the comments by running the =RIGHT(Text,Number of Characters) formula in excel and filtered out the result beginning with re-.

I then plotted the data-points in an excel spreadsheet to create the charts and visually present the data.

The data is complete until the end of December 2017, and there was not need to extrapolate anything the figures used in this analysis are all actual results.

The Analysis

I have already mentioned about the exponential growth in posting activities where #malaysia and #teammalaysia tags were used. The chart below shows an even more exponential growth in terms of total_payout_value. From a low of $0.30 in January 2017, to a high of $2,534.5 in December 2017; that's a growth of nearly 8,450 times.


As can be seen from the chart the #teammalaysia tag took over the #malaysia tag from the first month (July 2017) when it was used.

Here is the data for both post count and total_payout_value between #malaysia and #teammalaysia tags shown in a table:

Month#malaysia Posts#teammalaysia Posts#malaysia Payout#teammalaysia Payout

In the next two charts below it can be seen that since July 2017, #teammalaysia was already dominating in terms of distribution of total_reward_payout, but in December 2017 #teammalaysia took almost the entirety of the pie chart.



In the chart below, I listed the Top 20 Authors (in terms of total_payout_value) who used #teammalaysia tag. Here are key observations:

  • Out of the total_payout_value of $5,030.04 between July to December 2017, $3,992.22 (79.37%) were generated from the top 20 out of 191 authors who used #teammalaysia as a primary tag.
  • 34.41% or $1,731.08 went to just one author; bitrocker2020
  • 5 out of the Top 20 Authors are related to Sndbox, one being the Sndbox account itself, one is a Sndcastle (myach) and the three are Sndbox fellows (bitrocker2020, elizacheng, and maverickfoo).



The data-points presented here shows the growth of the Malaysian Steemit community. Furthermore, it shows how Sndbox and their Sndcastle incubation programs are driving growth in communities like in Malaysia. The Sndcastle MYACH based on the account description stands for MY Accelerator Hub, and it seems to be doing what it is meant to do; accelerate the growth of the user-base, posting activities, and Steemit related initiatives.

In terms of country specific tag, the (team)+(country name) seems to be a common format.

The two country specific tags I have done an analysis on showed very significant growth both in terms of posting activities, and total_payout_value. Both of which are very powerful in terms of getting the word out about Steemit, and supporting further growth of the whole community.

Posted on - Rewarding Open Source Contributors

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