Shall this reminder pop up be removed?


Utopian-io has updated its rule for translation category. Length of the post is no longer part of the criteria for voting weight.

However, this length notification still pops up when we submit the post. Suggest to remove it as so not to confuse authors.

When length of the post was still part of the voting consideration, the pop up did help. and the result was that in order to get higher upvote weight from the bot, the authors had to take a lot snapshots and try to lengthen their post as long as possible, it not only took a lot time out of the authors but moderators too. It made it harder for them to review each post and had to spend more valuable time in each post.

Now as the rule has changed, length is no longer considered in voting. I would suggest that the utopian-io team to modify their code to remove this pop up.

Posted on - Rewarding Open Source Contributors

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