Translation of Code.Org from English to Chinese Simplified - 1,259 words translated

Project Details offers all different kinds of classes and tutorials for students and teachers to learn and teach computer science. I like this program as it offers free tutorials for people who are interested in computer science and programming. And in each session, they will explain very clearly what the ideal situation should be but it's not really working well now and thus request learners to be hands on and use what they've learned to correct the code themselves. It's a great way to teach and practice.

Links related to the translation

Link in Github-

Link of the project in crowdin-

Link of my activity in crowdin -

Link of my profile in crowdin as proofreader for this project-


Source Language


Translated Language

• From English to Chinese Simplified

• The total number of words that need translating: 50,575

• The number of words yet to be translated: 1,310

Number Of Words

Number of words translated on this contribution: 1,259

Proofread Words


Previous translation on the same project

Number of words translated on the project before this report (if any): 17,841













Before my translation, the total number was 49,265 out of 50,575 words.


After my contribution, it's 50,575 words 100% completed.


Total words translated: 50,575-49,265= 1,310 words, the number is bigger than what the other crowdin report shows, I guess maybe someone else was translating the same task as me at the same time., or crowdin deducted the words that didn't need translation. Here are some snapshots to prove my work:

Top member report-

top member.jpg

Total is 2,304, minus 1,045 that I posted earlier, total is 2304-1045=1,259 words.

Graphic report-

Total words are 2,416, minus 1,099 that I posted earlier, total is 1,317 words which is bigger than top member report. I guess the count here includes non-translatable words.

Strings completed with part of Chinese translation-


Posted on - Rewarding Open Source Contributors

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