Translation of PrestaShop- 1,077 words translated

Project Details

PrestaShop is an open source projects. It makes it never be that easy to open up an online shop by providing all different kinds of modules & tutorials to fit needs of the merchants, it helps the merchants and store owners to manage their online store so they can sell more products and deliver best customer experience. I love this project as they offer free good content and modules to help merchants be more successful.

Links related to the translation

• Link of the project in github-

• Link of project in crowdin-

• Link of my activity in crowdin-

• Link of my profile in crowdin-

Source Language


Translated Language

• From English to Chinese Simplified.

• The total number of words that need translating:

Trackingfront- 80

Vatnumber- 90

Themeconfigurator- 285

Statsvisits- 198

Statsstock- 70

Statsserach- 40

Statssale- 156

Statsproduct- 146

Statspersonalinfos- 202

Statsnewsletter- 33

Statslive- 99

Statsforecast- 157

Statsequipment- 175

Statsdata- 80

Statscheckup- 53

Statsbestmanufacturers- 27

Statsbestcustomer- 161

Statsbestcategories- 42

Referralprogram- 402

• Total number that yet to complete were:

Trackingfront- 14

Vatnumber- 90

Themeconfigurator- 243

Statsvisits- 11

Statsstock- 15

Statsserach- 29

Statssale- 137

Statsproduct- 9

Statspersonalinfos- 2

Statsnewsletter- 7

Statslive- 53

Statsdata- 34

Statsforecast- 98

Statsequipment- 151

Statscheckup- 4

Statsbestmanufacturers- 16

Statsbestcustomer- 14

Statsbestcategories- 8

Referralprogram- 152

Number Of Words

Number of words translated on this contribution: 1,077 words

Proofread Words



Previous translation on the same project

Number of words translated on the project before this report: 18,717












Screenshots with proof of work

Before my translation, all these 18 sub folder were not completed-

before 3.jpg
before 4.jpg
before 5.jpg
before 6.jpg
before 7.jpg
before 8.jpg
before 9.jpg
before 10.jpg
before 11.jpg
before 12.jpg
before 13.jpg
before 14.jpg
before 15.jpg
before 16.jpg
before 17.jpg
before 18.jpg

After my translation, all are 100% completed:

after all.jpg


So total words translated are : 14+90+243+11+15+29+137+9+2+7+53+34+98+151+4+16+14+8+152= 1,087

Here are some snapshot of the report from crowdin proves that I completed 1,077 words.

Top member report-

top member.jpg

Graphic report:


Total graphic report shows 1,116 words completed, I guess maybe the non-translatable words are also included in this report and some proofreading correction, hence the variance with top member report.

Snapshot of numbers of strings that I completed & proofread:


proofread string.jpg

Posted on - Rewarding Open Source Contributors

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