Utopian-io helps me to continue to grow and keep my faith on steemit

Utopian-io is one of the best project so far other than steemit. It encourages people to contribute and helps and supports other open source projects to grow. People with variable capabilities are able to contribute to their expertise. When it was introduced to steemit at the beginning, I didn’t pay too much attention to it as I had thought that it’s the playground for those IT developers. I don’t have strong computer science background and can’t code. I didn’t believe that there is any room for me in it.

It wasn’t until about over a month ago, after repetitive recommendation and encouragement by my other Chinese Steemian friends, I started to look into it and seemed to have found where I can take part and contribute as non-IT geek. I speak fluent in both Chinese and English, translation doesn’t seem to be too difficult for me. And the best part is that utopian-io rewards people for their contribution to open source projects including translation. What I have done so far since I decided to join the contribution force:

> Posted 65 articles in Utopian-io, 61 out of 65 were approved.

> Completed 110,443 words of translation from English to Chinese across multiple projects.

> I also contributed in bug hunting with few posts being approved.

And as return, utopian-io upvoted for me to reward the contribution I made. Even though I have over 700 followers. If you are in steemit long enough, you understand that the number of follower doesn’t really mean anything if they don’t vote for you. With upvote from utopian-io, I can see myself grow to 65 soon.

Utopian-io leadership's vision of utopian-io also resonates with me. I highly appreciate their efforts to help developers from developing country to grow their expertise and get well paid. This is one of the key reason why I delegated 1000sp to utopian-io as a sponsor as I want to continue to grow with them. Here's snapshot of my first utopian pay as a sponsor that I received couple days ago-

utopian pay.jpg

And I also upvoted for them as witness.

To keep info. up to date, I also called in their biweekly calls and participated in the poll. Really appreciate their efforts to provide visibility to everyone, and get everyone a chance to participate in the poll and rule change proposals.

Utopian-io has a very strong team. If I have questions, I can either communicate with them through post comment or find them on Discord. Even though they are a pretty new team, there are still room for improvement, I can see them continue to work on development of the program and are striving to build utopian-io into number one platform in steemit. I have strong faith on them, and will continue to contribute to their growth wherever I can. Thanks to utopian-io team for such a great job they’ve been doing. Thumb Up!

Posted on Utopian.io - Rewarding Open Source Contributors

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