landing page is live.

Following up on my initial project post from last week, I uploaded the last changes into GitHub and happy to share that the landing page is live now on AWS.

In case you haven't read my previous post yet, is planned to be the first charity site using SMT's that rewards donators with DCT (Donation Charity Token) Token for their donations. This project is at the very beginning and I am looking for people who can support me (Implement a customised clone).

Sketch landing page design
Desktop HD v2.png

Initially I started to write the site using vue-cli and bootstrap, after a few hours I realised however that this is completely overkill for a simple landing page and deleted everything and started from scratch using Bootstrap only. Still a lot to learn :-) The site is a first draft and I expect to make smaller updates in the next few days to make it full responsive and look good on mobile devices as well.

So what is next for

Creating the landing page that shows information about the project was a first goal for me, something I could o myself. Going forward I will look for people who can help me to add the core application which is a customised busy clone..

The three main things I like to do next:

  • Complete a sketch of a customised clone.
  • Find a developer who can support me to implement the customised site.
  • Make smaller changes to the landing page as required.

If you have any feedback recommendations than please let me know. I have big plans with this site and appreciate any critique or recommendation that will help me to make a success.

Thank you and all the best!

Posted on - Rewarding Open Source Contributors

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