Use steem-hook to enable task automation with steem


What is the project about?

Steem-hook provides a tiny, easy to use web service for posting to the STEEM blockchain via services like IFTTT.

You can use a GET or POST request. For a GET request the post body will be read from the content query string parameter in the URL as shown above. For a POST provide some content in the request body as JSON and be sure to provide a Content-Type header set to application/json.

    "content" : "And now for something compleatly different\r\n"

The only WIF required is posting. If you run steem-hook from your own server you don't have to share this credential with a third party.

Since steem-hook intends to remain small and focused it is well suited for deployment to Heroku's free tier and similar platforms.


If you set the NODE_ENV environment variable to development it will post content to instead of Steemit. For example

heroku config:set NODE_ENV=development


Technology Stack

Special appreciation to more projects that were very helpful in getting steem-hook off the ground:


Additional end points
  • Comment
  • Queue & Approve discussions before posting to blockchain
  • Schedule posts for a specific time
Improved features
  • More forgiving parsing of markdown and html in the post body
  • Better validation of route parameters
Planned Services
  • Deploy to Heroku button
  • steem-hook as a service using Steemconnect
Planned Tutorials
  • Connect your blog to SteemIt using RSS, IFTTT and steem-hook
  • Using IFTTT, steem-hook, and templates to identify, assemble and edit top quality content

How to contribute?

This project welcomes Pull Requests and Issues on Github. See for up to date guidelines. In general...

Please submit an Issue to:
  • Report a bug
  • Request a feature
  • Ask for help
Proposing a change

Please fork and submit a Pull Request to steem-hook on GitHub. Include a bit of a summary and follow the guidelines in GitHub documentation.

If your change addresses an existing issue please reference your PR in the issue's discussion.

Coding conventions

Please run prettier --write --single-quote or an equivalent on all new or changed Javascript before submitting.

Posted on - Rewarding Open Source Contributors

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