What Will I Learn?
- You will learn how to add a Firebase Store to a Flutter application
- You will learn how to add Listeners to the Firebase database
- You will learn how to dynamically change the state of your application based on the state of the database
- You will learn how to use native and platform methods to implement Firebase in Flutter
- IDEA intellij or Visual Studio Code with the Dart/Flutter Plugins
- The Dart SDK and the Flutter SDK
- A fair understanding of Mobile development and Imperative or Object Oriented Programming
- Intermediate
In this Flutter video tutorial, we look at how we can implement and use Firebase inside of a flutter application. Firebase can be accessed through flutter by way of Android, iOS or through a hybrid approach. Currently, the plugins do not allow for a fully native implementation simply because the plugins and framework lack maturity, however, the setup is not as intensive as it would be in a native Android or iOS application.
Firebase is a cloud platform document storage realtime database. We can use it in Flutter to store, access, update and delete data in realtime in a way that is lightweight and fairly intuitive. Firebase can also be used for authentication, file-storage, and other use cases; but our application simply uses it as a basic data storage tool. We have a simple form with two input boxes. When the user writes text into these input boxes, the data gets sent into an Object which then pushes the data into our Firebase data store in a Json like format. We use stream listeners to see when the data has been changed or added to our firebase data storage and then we change the state of our application in response to these events. We also fetch the data from these streams and push it into a list which then updates our Firebase animated list widget.
The source code for this project can be found here
Firebase can be found here
Video Tutorial
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- The Basics of Animation with Dart's Flutter Framework
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- Building a Hero Animation and an Application Drawer in Dart's Flutter Framework
- Building a Temperature Conversion Application using Dart's Flutter Framework
- Using Inherited Widgets and Gesture Detectors in Dart's Flutter Framework
- Using Gradients, Fractional Offsets, Page Views and Other Widgets in Dart's Flutter Framework
- Building a Calculator Layout using Dart's Flutter Framework
- Finishing our Calculator Application with Dart's Flutter Framework
- Making use of Shared Preferences, Flex Widgets and Dismissibles with Dart's Flutter framework
- Using the Different Style Widgets and Properties in Dart's Flutter Framework
- Composing Animations and Chaining Animations in Dart's Flutter Framework
- Building a Countdown Timer with a Custom Painter and Animations in Dart's Flutter Framework
- Reading and Writing Data and Files with Path Provider using Dart's Flutter Framework
- Exploring Webviews and the Url Launcher Plugin in Dart's Flutter Framework
- Building a Movie Searcher with RxDart and SQLite in Dart's Flutter Framework (Part 1)
- Building a Movie Searcher with RxDart and SQLite in Dart's Flutter Framework (Part 2)
- Building a Movie Searcher with RxDart and SQLite in Dart's Flutter Framework (Part 3, Final)
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