Building a Weather Application with Dart's Flutter Framework (Part 3, RxCommand (RxDart) and Adding an Inherited Widget)


What Will I Learn?

  • You will learn about Observers and Streams in Dart and Flutter
  • You will learn how to use RxCommand inside of a Flutter application to build reactive handlers
  • You will learn how to pass around your RxCommands using a Inherited Widget
  • You will learn how to create conditional RxCommands using Boolean Observables


System Requirements:
OS Support for Flutter:
  • Windows 7 SP1 or later (64-bit)
  • macOS (64-bit)
  • Linux (64-bit)

Required Knowledge

  • A basic understanding of APIs
  • A fair understanding of Mobile development and Imperative or Object Oriented Programming
  • Basic knowledge Asynchronous Programming

Resources for Flutter and this Project:


Flutter Logo (Google):


  • Intermediate


This video tutorial is a continuation of the Flutter Mobile Weather Application tutorial series detailed in these video articles: Part 1, Part 2

Outline and Overview

General Overview

The goal of this Video Tutorial Series is to showcase how you can build a Weather Application using Dart's Flutter Framework. This Weather Application uses a reactive interface and ReactiveX concepts via the RxCommands Plugin. This includes Observables and Commands which make use of conditionals. It also makes use of the Geolocation Plugin to fetch the GPS data from the user's device. Once we have this location data, we can make a request to Open Weather Map's API using an API Key. The resulting response is serialized by our Built Generated Json Serializer Code which was created with the JSON Annotation and JSON Serialization plugins. We then are able to select various fields from this JSON request and we can display those fields in our View. We can update our view by passing model from our view model to our view using Observables and Streams.

Outline of this Tutorial

In this Tutorial, we introduce ReactiveX commands and ReactiveX Observables. Using these concepts we are able to implement a skeleton for our view model and an Inherited Widget that works as our model provider. These RxCommands allow us to wrap the functions from our repository in an abstraction so that we can Emit Observables based on certain events.

Item 1: Dart Streams and Observables

Dart's async library provides us with two fundamental types, the Future Type and the Stream Type. Futures are the result of a single computation where in the result will resolve at some unspecified time in the future. Streams act more like iterators then single values because they are able to handle an infinite amount of events. Streams are Asynchronous by default; this means that the data events do not need to be emitted in a regular interval. In Dart there are two primary types of streams, Broadcast Streams and Single Subscription Streams.

As a result of Streams being a part of Dart's standard library, Observables are an extension of Dart's Stream type. This means that Observables may be passed around to any place that will accept a Dart Stream. It also means that Observables have all of the Methods that are native to Streams at their disposal. Streams can be transformed into Observables either by using the Observable constructor or by way of a factory constructor. Also, unlike Streams, Observables are Synchronous by default and they include a large amount of new transformation methods and properties.


This image can represent a Stream or an Observable. The horizontal line indicates the flow of time from left to right. The circles are pieces of data, the Red X is an error and the vertical black line is an execution halt command.

Item 2: RxCommand

RxCommand uses the Observable abstraction as a way to convert event handlers into Commands. These Commands emit Observables. They also can implement Conditional Execution by taking in a Boolean Observable as their canExecute property. This lets us react to the various Execution States of each command; if some event happens, we can shut down the execution of the command.


Above we have the four commands that are implemented in this tutorial. Two of the four commands; _getGpsCommand and _radioCheckedCommand, are boolean conditional commands which can be used to modify the other two commands. The _updateLocationCommand is conditionally executed based on whether or not _getGpsCommand produces a true or false value in its Observable. _updateWeatherCommand is conditional based on the _radioCheckCommand which ties the condition of it's execution directly to a widget in the view.

Item 3: The Model Provider Inherited Widget

With the Model Command/View Model defined, we can now create a Model Provider Inherited Widget. This widget can sit at the top of our widget tree and dispense the Model Command and its commands directly to any widget that needs them. This means that a button in our view can directly call to one of our commands and any Display Widget can directly output the data from one of the Observables.


The image above shows off the entire Model Provider Inherited Widget class implementation. In the constructor, we pass in the Model Command and also a child widget. We are then able to implement the traditional Inherited Widget Pattern by overriding the updateShouldNotify method. This method's return value will tell the framework whether or not it should rebuild the widgets that are inheriting the state from this widget. We also are able to add in a Static method called of which returns an instance of the Model Command class if given the Build Context.

Project GitHub Repository:

The Source Code for this project can be found here

Video Tutorial

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