Steemit About To Experience Massive Registration As I Am Converting Facebook Users To Steemians


Hello there, here is how i took Steemit to facebook. I have some social accounts, examples are :LinkedIn, Facebook twitter and instagram
My facebook username is Utomobong Usoro, my steemit name is @utomobong and my steemit display name is Utomobong Usoro.

I have 87 followers, 99 pending posts and 1305 friends currently. I decided to use facebook because it is the only social media i have more friends and followers.
I have benefited a lot since i joined steemit, I made some little contributions to the community, I have learnt from different people all over the world, steemit has improved my writing and reading skills and has added value to my creativity.
I decided to share to the largest crowd of people i can reach, so they can also get value added to their creativity. The aim of my advert on steemit is to tell the world about how steemit has added value to me and to encourage them to come on board.


My target are Nigerians, Central African Republic , Philippines and the United States, with age range From ages 18-65+. Both male and female.
Nigerians are talented in creativity. I targeted these audience because i know they can offer their best when it comes to quality content.

I am already getting positive replies from them asking about how to join, and i am happy that they are motivated to join the team.


The link to my facebook page is here

I named the page Nigerian Steemit Bloggers. In other to get a wide range of Nigerians, i used facebook ads.
In the next few days, I am expecting massive positive response and registrations. I reply quickly to the messages and follow up registration process.

I went further to create a Nigerian steemit bloggers group for the page to simplify the registration process.
The post has already been sponsored by me and am getting positive responses.


I got lovely results, I was able to reach 1,286 facebook users in a short period of time and i got some useful comments.
This is my post

This is the number of users i reached, and it is still counting.

Video Proof

Thank you all for your time

Have a lovely weekend.

Posted on - Rewarding Open Source Contributors

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