Utopian Rules Update #7 BIS


Changes For Video Tutorials and Tutorials

After the latest rule update we gathered some feedbacks and decided to make further enhancements.

Tutorials and Video Tutorials

Thanks to @buckydurddle for suggesting improvements on this category.

  • Removed from the rules the requirement for tutorials and video tutorials to have coding implications.
  • Added the following:

End-user focused tutorials must address a minimum of three substantial concepts that are unique to the Open Source project and essential learning requirements for end-users. Preference is given to tutorials that are part of a curriculum (series) of tutorials all of which are sequential and built on previously learned skills and knowledge. Ubiquitous functions, such as Save, Open, and Print are unacceptable as substantial concepts.

Trivial on-screen installation processes are not acceptable as valid tutorials.

Editor Template For Translations

When creating a new contribution under Translations category you will have the following template. Thanks to @phgnomo for suggesting this update.

Project Details

Write here the details of the project you have translated, what is the project about, why have you decided to help translating this project and why other translators should do the same.

Links related to the translation

Place here the links to the words you have translated (e.g. links to Crowdin or Github PR)

Source Language

Write here the source language of the project.

Translated Language

Write here the language you have translated for the project and the current status (how many words are yet to translate).

Number Of Words

Write here the total number of words you have translated.
Number of words translated on this contribution: 0

Proofread Words

Write here the number of words you have translated that have been proofread (accepted as valid by the project owner or manager) or already merged.

Previous translation on the same project

If you have already contributed to the translation of this project place here the links to your Utopian contributions.
Number of words translated on the project before this report (if any): 0

Utopian Community-Driven Witness

We are made of developers, system administrators, entrepreneurs, artists, content creators, thinkers. We embrace every nationality, mindset and belief.

Utopian.io is the first Community-Driven Witness. Every decision will be taken as per the consensus of the entire community using our public Discord server and soon via a public voting system.


A Special Thanks to The Sponsors

@freedom (Voting for Witness)




@wackou (Voting for Witness)

@xeldal (Voting for Witness)

@lafona-miner (Voting for Witness)


@steempty (Voting for Witness)

@thecryptodrive (Voting for Witness)

@furion (Voting for Witness)


@jesta (Voting for Witness)


@ajvest (Voting for Witness)

@reggaemuffin (Voting for Witness)





@yabapmatt (Voting for Witness)

@forykw (Voting for Witness)


@delegate.lafona (Voting for Witness)


@agoric.systems (Voting for Witness)

@teamsteem (Voting for Witness)

@netuoso (Voting for Witness)

@yehey (Voting for Witness)











@dragosroua (Voting for Witness)

@rival (Voting for Witness)








@bycz (Voting for Witness)


@helo (Voting for Witness)


@drakos (Voting for Witness)










@evildido (Voting for Witness)

@dimitrisp (Voting for Witness)









@jatinhota (Voting for Witness)























@fakire1sadaka (Voting for Witness)
























A Special Thanks to The Moderators



















































































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