A Steemit Idea That Might Be Utopian • Creating a "live" / real-time document editor on the blockchain, but NOT without YOU

I have recently offered an idea to the Steemit community and I'm calling on the community to help make this happen!

I'm not asking for donations here, I'm asking for help. If it is money that we need to begin, then I'm looking for a ball-park figure. We simply need the proper tools for this idea to take off. I am already doing this without proper tools! I am just trying to simplify the process so that it can be something others can do - simply.

So many awesome tools exist for Steemit, you can check that growing collection on SteemTools.com as well, but there is one that I only wish already existed - a multi-user doc/post editor - but it does not!

What am I talking about?

If you have not read my previous post explaining my idea, please do that now to catch up to speed. And for those of you with limited time and eager for the boiled-down version:


There is a complicated method involving an open-source tool called Etherpad (mentioned in idea intro), but after further inquiry seems too complicated for this application. My goal is to help new users/ authors on Steemit gain proficiency in formatting their posts and many of them are not going to want to download and setup difficult software.

I feel a steem-tool would be best suited for the job - it would at least require an account and I think it would be a great benefit to users who might not be comfortable with markdown or html formatting in their posts or want to learn how to enhance their posts.

I have created and shared custom graphics and media with random people since coming to Steemit and I don't plan on stopping anytime soon.

I just want to hone in a bit on quality writers that would benefit from high-quality media and formatting in their posts. It creates a bond between users that might otherwise remain strangers, it allows people to share their skills to benefit the entire platform, and it strengthens the core of creation which drives this platform. I ask that you please read on and help me move this forward.

This is an idea that requires awareness and must reach the community in order to be of any value.

It Might Just Be... Utopian... but I believe it can happen - which is the first important component

I will try my best to bring this idea to the Steemit community and try not to annoy my followers with persisting posts, however, I feel this is something worth discussing, so please bear with me.

I've shared the idea in the PAL /MSP discord, I've written about it now here on Steemit, I've expressed this idea to the Steem-devs discord as well and awaiting a response. I have mentioned this to my fellow teammate of the Smart Media Pockets project, @jackmiller and also with the friend that invited me to Steemit in the first place, @finnian. I feel that trying to reach the proper people/channels might take some persistence, but I truly feel that what I am offering has true value.

I'm not offering my skills for personal gain (it is indirect return - joy of giving). In the art world, when people want what you have - they just take it. Most artists, myself included, have and will be robbed in their lifetime. That is the reality for a large portion of those who create media. That doesn't stop us from creating. There is nothing like appreciation for your work and we tend to share our work with those who appreciate it. I KNOW THERE ARE PEOPLE THAT APPRECIATE IT HERE - I WANT TO HELP THEM FIND GREATER SUCCESS.

I truly believe that helping the talented 'plankton' & 'minnows' to grow their content is a wise investment - for all of us!

Just because a user on Steemit has minnow power now, DOES NOT mean it'll stay that way. Many will grow and prosper here and without a doubt will find greater success if they have some direction and assistance. The minnows we help today are the whales of tomorrow. I am inclined to believe that those who we help won't soon forget who helped them. Not to mention it gives a potentially great author better chances of surviving the swim up-steem

Also, keep in mind that some users here could power up in the blink of an eye and become a whale tomorrow, so don't count out those low rep accounts that are clawing their way up the old-fashioned way.

Treat these new faces with respect and offer them a helping hand because you just never know who you are engaging with and what sort of power they might have. Even a small crustacean, like the Mantis Shrimp, can withhold tremendous power. Mantis Shrimp has a strike more powerful than a .22 caliber bullet. Simply to keep from boring anyone still hanging in here:

This one simple tool could open many doors

I want to help people learn and find the joy that I find when I format and create unique posts on Steemit. What we contribute ultimately makes this platform what it is; either it is of utility and value or it is worthless - in which case is sort of our fault, in many ways. I can help a few people and I know I'm not the only one that can and will do this. It only takes a few people to set this in motion and it multiplies from there.

I'd like to create a unique experience for new and seasoned Steemit users. I feel that a simple document editor tool that allows multiple people to work on in real-time would benefit this platform in many ways. Just think of the possibilities.

The Etherpad method was unnecessarily complicated and Google Docs seems to be the only viable alternative at the moment, which sparked the thought:


If you have skimmed down to here, this is all you need to know:

I am willing to offer my skills to help fund, build and support a tool for the Steemit blockchain that allows multiple Steemit users to edit a document live, in real-time. I need a developer or someone knowledgeable in building blockchain tools and/or doc editor tools for Steemit OR have created a document editor tool on Steemit. Once I have a viable tool in place, I will offer free services to my fellow steemit users. Simple as that.


• RESTEEM related posts to this idea (the easiest way to help)

• OFFER SIMILAR SERVICE (for those who enjoy formatting and wish to share their knowledge with users interested in learning)

• BECOME A TEST-BUDDY (for those who wish to learn to format​ and add media to their content and/or those who wish to have a designer help create custom graphics/media that will enhance their writing on Steemit)

• OFFER YOUR SKILLS (if you are a developer/programmer/code-wizard that would like to help create an editor tool based on the Steemit Blockchain OR have one that can be amended​ to suit this project)

• DISCUSS & ENGAGE (share your thoughts, questions, concerns, or ideas that can improve this initiative)

Who's With Me?

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