CDC tries to block Court Testimony by Vaccine Whistleblower

For the first time in 30 years, a Vaccine Injury Case is being tried in a Court of Law. This is a Medical Malpractice Lawsuit, since vaccine manufacturers are immune from lawsuits.

Dr. William Thompson, Senior Research Scientist at the CDC, has received a Subpoena to testify in a Court of Law about his knowledge of the CDC data manipulation on the 2002 MMR & Autism study.

This study claimed to be proof positive that there is absolutely no link between Vaccination and Autism.

The parents of Yates Hazlehurst, now 16, have managed to keep the case “alive” in Tennessee. It is very rare for a case to make it this far.

Attorney Robert F. Kennedy says, “This boy, and thousands of others, lost their cases in the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program because the CDC and Justice Department submitted fraudulent science wrongly denying the vaccine-autism link.”

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William Acree, Tennessee State Circuit Judge, had ordered the trial extended so that Thompson could be subpoenaed to testify.

It is AWESOME that a Judge wants to allow the TRUTH to COME OUT!

The Judge is on the side of TRUTH! This is big!

Because Dr. William Thompson is a federal employee, the CDC has to grant permission for him to testify. CDC Director Thomas Frieden is stonewalling and refusing to let Dr. Thompson testify.

“Frieden’s denial was a disappointment but not a surprise, since the inescapable implication of Dr. Thompson’s allegation is that the agency altered the science to undermine autism cases worth potentially $1 trillion in compensation ordered by Congress.”


The attorneys are going to take the CDC to Federal court to compel them to allow Dr. Thompson's testimony.

"Since that original study data is only available from Dr. Thompson," Smith explained, "WE ARE CONFIDENT THAT A FEDERAL JUDGE WILL ORDER CDC TO MAKE THOMPSON AVAILABLE."

We are winning this folks! Keep fighting the good fight!"


I have written about the CDC Whistleblower on earlier Steemit posts:

See: MMR Vaccine Causes 700% Increase in Autism: Whistleblower Exposes CDC Study Fraud

See: Dr. Rachael Ross & Dr. Jim Sears FEATURED in VaxXed Movie. Both Convinced of CDC Autism FRAUD. Dr. Rachael does not vaccinate her new baby!

Further Reading BELOW From Other Websites on this Case

CDC Blocks Testimony by Vaccine Whistleblower in Medical Malpractice Case on EcoWatch

CDC Whistleblower Subpoena Stonewalled by CDC Director Thomas Frieden on ThinkingMomsRevolution

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