Fathers Talk About Their Unvaccinated Children and the Unbelievable Differences from Most Kids.

Dad #1

"Unvaccinated kids are unbelievable -- off the charts!" People ask him, "What is it? Great parenting? Great food?"

"No!" Dad #1 says. "She's not polluted with some of the most toxic chemicals on the planet running through her bloodstream!"


"The Pharmacist asked, is this her first antibiotic? I said, yes. She looked at me like I was an alien, like this was so unheard of that an 8-yr-old had not been on antibiotics several times before!"


I found this interview by #TeamVaxXed fascinating as they interview these two intelligent and well-spoken fathers of unvaccinated children. Please take the time to listen to their experiences with their own children.

Both dads say that they see a HUGE difference in the health and intelligence of unvaccinated children compared to the general population of children.

   PLEASE, Please Watch This 12-Minute YouTube

UnVaxXed Stories: UnvaxXed Dads, CA

... or Click Here to Watch on Youtube

Dad #2 Chiropractor

"I have a 14-yr-old and 9-yr-old and neither one has ever had a shot, Tylenol, Aspirin, antibiotic ... nothing!"

"They are two of the healthiest children around!"


"In my office I see kids that have autism, not up-to-speed, special needs, etc, and almost all the time they say, "well they were good and then they got their shots and then they regressed to this."

"I can't by law tell patients not to vaccinate, but I introduce them to my kids!

In my own experience @canadian-coconut with my 3 unvaccinated children (ages 12,9 & 5), they have had no ear infections, no need for antibiotics, and almost no pharmaceutical products. They do get colds and flues, but bounce back quickly. They have no chronic health conditions or allergies.

What have your experiences been with your children, unvaccinated or vaccinated?

Above are my two beautiful girls!

Read more at my Blog @canadian-coconut

Learn about the VAXXED Movement here: "Into The Light" - A Short-Film Tribute to The VaxXed Movement by Forrest Maready

Please Comment Below and Let's Have a Productive Conversation!

I know that this is a very controversial topic ...
but if you care about children as much as I care about children...
surely we can all be civil and help each other discover the best way forward for all our children and future generations.
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