How the Measles Vaccination Program has Destroyed Herd Immunity

When the measles vaccine was first created, the long-term consequences were not accounted for.

The Measles vaccination program has actually DESTROYED 'Herd Immunity' where it was most needed.

At the time of the initiation of the measles campaign, the public was told
"Just One Shot For Life."

We now know that the vaccination wears off, and that booster shots are needed.

See my earlier articles here:
#1)... Vaccination Is Not Immunization: Immunization is Long-Term, Vaccination is Short-Term
#2)... More MUMPS Outbreaks!! The Vaccine has FAILED -- Yet UnVaccinated Still Get the Blame

Any Immunity a vaccine may provide is temporary at best. That's what BOOSTERS are all about.

In the days before the measles vaccine, all adults were immune for life. But now, if there have been cases of measles in your area, adults are requested to get yet another measles booster! Today's senior citizens are still protected by NATURAL immunity against measles; but tomorrow's seniors will be required to get a measles booster.

The boosters are an admission that the vaccines don't work properly and are not long-lasting.

I was fortunate enough to have the actual measles, mumps and rubella as a child and I'm good for life!

(I'm an older mom and the measles vaccine was introduced in Canada later than in the USA.)

Of utmost importance is that my developing baby was protected in utero, and breastfeeding protected him until about a year old. In other words, I got the measles as a child when it is least problematic, in order to protect my own babies when they are most vulnerable! It's a fair trade-off I would say.

Quite often today, when a vaccinated woman gets the rubella titres test during pregnancy, she will show ZERO titres (antibodies)! She will then be asked to get re-vaccinated with the MMR. Yet, very often at that young woman's next pregnancy she will be told yet again that she has no rubella antibodies. What an utter failure of the MMR vaccine!

The vaccine isn't protecting the MOST vulnerable -- our developing and newborn babies!

Meaning that Natural Herd Immunity has shifted from protecting the most vulnerable, to putting the most vulnerable at more risk!

Below is what Dr. Suzanne Humphries has to say about it.

Something about the measles vaccine, that I found really startling in my recent research, is that the vaccine failures that we're seeing today were actually ALL PREDICTED in our medical literature.

There was a Dr. David Levy, in 1984, who predicted the problems that were to come, and that was during the period where there was just the single vaccine.

But then, there's a Dr. Heffernan, from 2009, who did his own predictions based on very sophisticated mathematical analyses, and what he said, verbatim, is,

“we predict that after a long disease-free period, the introduction of infection will lead to far larger epidemics than that predicted by standard models.”

And even more compelling, he said that,

“large-scale epidemics can arise with the first substantial epidemic not arising until 52 years after the vaccination program has begun,”

well, guess what year 52 years is? 2015.

So, now, can you see why the CDC is staying up late at night and having panic attacks?

source: Paul Offit's vaccine lies deconstructed: A mind-blowing interview with Dr. Suzanne Humphries

Yup! It was predicted and published by scientists that we would see measles outbreaks again, starting ... NOW!

The measles vaccination program is proving to be an epic FAILURE!

Dr. Suzanne Humphries, mentioned David Levy of Montefiore Medical Center in New York who created a computer model and came to this conclusion:

“Despite short-term success in eliminating the disease, long-range projections demonstrate that the proportion of susceptibles in the year 2050 may be greater than in the pre-vaccine era.”

So according to Levy’s prediction, we are in for higher rates of measles infection than we started with, affecting more vulnerable groups.

See David Levy's paper published in 1986, here ➥ PubMed: The future of measles in highly immunized populations. A modeling approach.

In the years before measles vaccination, you almost never saw a baby under the age of one year old contracting measles. The mothers natural immunity protected her baby. It protected the MOST vulnerable. This was true Herd Immunity.

However, in the recent measles outbreak in Disneyland, a lot of the people who caught measles were UNDER ONE YEAR OLD! This would have never been the case during the years of natural immunity (pre-vaccine); the mother would have caught measles as a child and passed that strong immunity onto her infant.

In case you still think that measles was so deadly, that it would be worth it to take 20 measles shots to avoid it ... please read my article here:

#1 Successful Sales Method is FEAR for Pharmaceutical Companies

Below is one scientific study that shows that natural immunity is a lot stronger and long lasting than that from vaccination:

How Long Does Passive Immunity to Measles Last in Infants? -

Robin Drucker, MD reviewing Leuridan E et al. BMJ 2010 May 18.
Maternal antibodies to measles in infants might completely disappear before the first measles vaccination.
During the first year of life, MATERNAL ANTIBODIES PROVIDE PROTECTION to infants against infectious diseases such as measles.
The gestational age of the infant, maternal age, and WHETHER THE MOTHER'S IMMUNITY COMES FROM VACCINATION OR NATURAL DISEASE can affect the amount of maternal antibodies present.
Investigators in Belgium prospectively examined maternal antibodies against measles in 207 women (age range, 18–40) and their 210 children between April 2006 and November 2008. ......

Read more article like this one at my Blog @canadian-coconut

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