#1 Successful Sales Method is FEAR for Pharmaceutical Companies


Fear Is:

(1) lacking knowledge, and thereby

(2) not feeling in control over what could happen

(3) along with imagination.

When you feel helpless, you are far more afraid than you would be if you knew the facts.

Companies and governments know that FEAR SELLS!

But don't buy their goods without questioning & investigating first!

Are you making important life decisions based on FEAR and don't even realize it?

While it is vitally important to be alert to actual dangers, we can't let the overwhelming feeling of fear cloud our better judgement and our ability to discern a Sales Pitch that is NOT in our best interest!

Some areas that I have seen where people make Fear-Based Decisions are the following:

Pharmaceutical products/Health-Care Decisions

Birth and Pregnancy

Educational Choice

Parenting Choices

I will likely discuss all of the above in future posts.

I will start here by discussing the first --

Pharmaceutical Products, specifically Vaccinations

We are lead to believe that vaccines are being offered for our own good, because they care, and they are the only way to keep our children and ourselves alive and healthy.

They have created so much FEAR that we don't even pause long enough to realize that we are being sold a Pharmaceutical PRODUCT for profit -- for the companies bottom line -- not for our own health.

They tell us that without their continuous supply of product being injected into the bloodstream, that our children (or ourselves) will DIE!

They greatly exaggerate the truth and the sales pitch goes that "Measles Kills" and "Chickenpox Kills" and these vaccines along with years follow-up booster vaccines, are the ONLY solution!

What a great sales pitch! To make us believe that our immune systems are useless and that no other lifestyle, product or medical intervention can keep you alive -- only vaccines will keep you alive and well.

They guilt-trip you by saying that if your 1-day-old baby doesn't get the Hepatitis B vaccine (a sexually transmitted disease) before you leave the hospital, your baby will die!

You must buy & inject EVERY SINGLE Vaccine that want to sell you and pump your infant and growing children full of them.

Every year they add another and yet another vaccine to the Childhood Schedule. It's never enough!

We don't think about how Pharmaceutical Companies including the C.D.C. are profit-motivated and in many cases have been proven fraudulent and criminal over and over again.

Creating an unjustified fear around the illness that their vaccine product is supposed to prevent, has proven to be the BEST SALES TOOL that they have.

Well that, and being the #1 Lobbyists in Government to buy political support as well as paying medical schools to brainwash new physicians into selling their pharmaceutical products. And let's not forget that in the USA at least, the mainstream media (TV & Newspapers) derive the majority of their advertisement funding from these same Pharmaceutical companies and can not take the risk of reporting negatively about vaccinations.

For Pharmaceutical Companies, profit is more important than safety. They may even profit further when you become ill from the product they sold you and now require a different pharmaceutical to 'fix' the problem that they created.

The sad irony is that by vaccinating, you have actually increased your chances of dying or becoming chronically ill.

People are so full of fear that they do not stop and consider what the Adverse Reactions may be! After all, EVERY SINGLE pharmaceutical drugs comes with side-affects.

In the case of vaccinations, each vial comes with a LONG, LONG LIST of possible side-effects.

What I see, is that people are so afraid of dying, that they don't consider how to best live a vibrant and fulfilling life!

Damaging your Immune System and filling your body with toxins, NEVER results in better overall health. What we need to do is support the immune system, not destroy it through vaccination. Vaccinations make you more vulnerable to different infections. This is why so many children are constantly on antibiotics for ear infections, etc. Our children are more sickly than ever before!

The fear of dying has caused you to inject a product/vaccine that diminishes your quality of life.

So it's time to STOP buying the pharmaceutical sales pitch of FEAR.

As for me, I lived through measles, mumps, rubella and chickenpox (before the vaccine was used in Canada) and it was NO BIG DEAL!!! Nothing anybody can say will convince me that the risks associated with vaccines are worth simply avoiding what was once considered normal and expected childhood illnesses. The listed ingredients in vaccines are horrendous!

Why would I want to inject a pharmaceutical when it is ALSO contaminated with a long list of nano-sized materials like lead, that have no business being there?

Yes, there are dangers in this world that we need to take precautions with. The clear danger is in the toxic and dangerous ingredients in vaccines, being injected into a healthy child. If my child has a healthy immune system and good food, he will not die or be injured from something like measles. But injecting dangerous substances over and over again into my child will damage him.

I choose to support the immune system, rather than attempt to trick it by vaccinations.

The truth is that Unvaccinated People are MUCH, MUCH Healthier than the vaccinated.

I have written about it several times here on Steemit. Below are links to some of those articles:

Fathers Talk About Their Unvaccinated Children and the Unbelievable Differences from Most Kids
Unvaccinated Children Are Healthier: #TeamVaxXed Tour Now Interviewing Unvaccinated Families
We Don't Vaccinate: How Sick has Become the New Normal
We Don't Vaccinate -- Could I Forgive Myself if my Child Became Injured or Died?
Happy To Be Vaccine Free: How Not Vaccinating was the Best Decision for our Family
We Don't Vaccinate -- Spotting the "Vaccine-Free" Child


Read more articles like this one at my Blog:


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