Flu vaccine and a real life adverse reaction

" A picture is worth a thousand words" Check out what happened to me after my last and final vaccine.

Three and a half years ago I was told to get a flu shot or get fired. I was uncomfortable with the whole thought but being fired at the end of my career as a Nurse Practitioner just did not seem like the way I wanted to go out. Instead I gave in even though I became very ill with the last two flu shots I was instructed to get by my employer.


I should have listed to my inner self, because that flu shot has started a cascade of events that has continued to this very day. Immediately after getting the injection I started to develop the rash that you see in these photos that extended from the injection site to my wrist. I then developed patchy areas of dermatitis throughout the rest of my body that lasted for months. Within two weeks I developed the most bizarre food allergies to all the foods in the brassica family and foods associated with latex

I have also been afflicted with Angioedema when I have come in contact with foods associated with those two groups. This can be life threatening and can last for a considerable amount of time. Probable the worst reaction is Anaphylactic hypertension Where my blood pressure has been as high as 250/180.

Needless to say this is a nightmare.

I was forced into getting that flu shot, please look here, if we do not wake up it is only going to get worse.

Photos were taken by me with my Samsung Galaxy S5

DONT GET YOU FLU SHOT image source

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