Easy VEGAN Rosemary & Hemp Seed Mini Flat Breads (Original Recipe)

Although I regularly post vegan recipes I always forget to enter them for #veganwednesday, but this time I've remembered and am giving myself an applause!  It's a strange thing, since I'm good pals with @heart-to-heart who hosts this wonderful contest.  Perhaps I'm distracted with all these spectacular food posts she keeps dazzling us with!  

Anyway, many thanks to Heart for encouraging healthiness as well as vegan-ness, because like Heart I only eat and promote real foods free from artificial, processed and refined ingredients.  This is a subject close to my own heart, because through cutting out these harmful things from my diet and replacing with 100% natural whole foods, I restored my health and feel great!  No IBS symptoms for 5 years now, and a vast reduction in fibromayalgia symptoms too.  

I have a two-and-a-half-year-old son as well who is in excellent health... he's never tasted sugar, never eaten anything processed or artificial, and has never met his doctor yet!  A mere coincidence?  I think not!  Every few days I bake for him a homemade healthy snack... he loves breads and scones... So here is a recipe which I hope will please those of you who liked the look of my 'non-vegan' breads/scones I posted last week and were wondering how to make a vegan version!

Ingredients (organic recommended):

300g wholewheat flour

4 tblsp hemp/olive oil

75g hemp seeds

2 tbslp dried rosemary

1 tsp baking soda

200ml warm water 

(for baking I use rainwater that I collect, filter & boil)


Grind up the hemp seeds - I use the coffee grinder attachment on my blender.

In a large bowl add the oil to the flour, and rub in using your fingertips until the mixture resembles breadcrumbs.

Add the ground-up hemp seeds, baking soda, rosemary and water, and use your hands to mix it all together to form a firm dough.

Knead for a few minutes on a lightly-floured surface to make the dough lovely and smooth.

Roll the dough out to about 0.5cm thick, and cut out rounds with a pastry cutter.

Place the rounds onto a lightly-floured baking tray, and pop into a preheated oven at 200 degrees Celsius for about 12 minutes.

For details how to join in the #veganwednesday contest, please see @heart-to-heart's contest post here.

For all kinds of health information, tips, recipes (vegan/vegetarian), crafts, photography, and more, please follow me!

To find out what my "Make It Healthy Project" is all about, and how you can be involved in growing this project, please click here.

("5 Cs" shared with kind permission from @kiwideb)

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