VJ LIVE! Episode 31: @tecnosgirl Joins the Show to Share Her Personal Story of Vaccine Injury


Join fellow Steemian, Michelle ( @tecnosgirl ) on VJ LIVE! as she tells the story of her son's recovery from vaccine injury. Michelle helped her son--diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome after a doctor-admitted vaccine injury--recover via a diet and technology-based approach, using computer learning programs to help her son express himself, and nutrition to help undo the neurological damage done by the vaccines.

Through research, diet, and technology, this amazing woman has been able to "unlock" her son and bring him back. Though the journey of recovery is a long one, the progress made is undeniable, and absolutely amazing.

This is truly groundbreaking stuff.


  • Vaccine Injury
  • Autism/Asperger's
  • Technology (as therapy/means of self-expression for children on the Autism spectrum)
  • Unschooling
  • Diet/Nutrition
  • Steemit

ALSO! Please see Michelle's post discussing the interview and linking to resources she referenced in the interview HERE!

Please enjoy the video below:



Graham Smith is a Voluntaryist activist, creator, and peaceful parent residing in Niigata City, Japan. Graham runs the "Voluntary Japan" online initiative with a presence here on Steem, as well as Facebook and Twitter. (Hit me up so I can stop talking about myself in the third person!)

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