You Have the Power (Hope Huggs Vlog/Rant)

Don’t let people have power over you...

So, I want to get more talkative and get what is in my head out my mouth and not necessarily by writing!

My answer is set to myself this challenge where I have 2 Talk for 3 Minutes or more in 1 Take, with 0 Script.

Who knows what will come out my mouth haha!

I had a phone call yesterday from the ex’s mother asking me to get on a Skype call that afternoon and that Mikey would be there and she started going on about how ‘broken’ he was, having been homeless for the last year and staying with them was the last option.

I let this get in my head and I shouldn’t because, although I will take a small portion of the blame, he did have the opportunity to stay until he got a place sorted, but it was made impossible when threats starting flying about.

His actions lead to this, not mine and I have to remember that, as otherwise he has still power over me and 10 years is quite enough of that.

Anyway I didn’t Skype that day, because another power struggle was going on!

My 7 year old decided the world was ending because I didn’t buy her a present, at the same time as buying a present for her friend, so she could take it the party the following day.


In the supermarket, she just would not budge and stood there shrieking “I will not move until you buy me EVERYTHING, I want!”

Me: Don’t be a SPOILT BRAT!

Her: I am NOT a spoilt brat.

Anyway, after about 20 minutes of this stand off, she wasn’t going to come of her own free will, so she got unceremoniously dragged home by her wrists.

Thankfully people were sympathetic and not too judging and I got lots of offers of help, although what they thought they could help with, I don’t know. She is a stubborn sh*t, when she is like that.

Wrote a poem in the midst of it, as I was hid under the duvet. Sometimes I’m not cut out for this mothering lark.

Ever Have One of Those Days


3 hours of tears and a cancelled party later, it was time for the Skype call and tantrums were still on going, so I phoned up and said that Skype could be done the following day and spoke to my ex’s father.

10 minutes later, another call from the mum again - why did I cancel?, could Daddy speak on phone to Hazel?

I grew a pair and told her “I said tomorrow, now” and hung up.

The following day, when the Skype called happened, he tried telling the children that it was down to me that they couldn’t go to visit him (to a certain extent that is true, but also a slight matter of restraining order against him), to which I asked “Do you want me to terminate Skype calls?” And the conversation went better after that.

If he thinks I am doing that weekly, he has another thing coming. I will have to write a carefully constructed letter to the in-laws this week, and put everything in black and white clear terms, as I know they won’t afford me that opportunity by speaking to them, or maybe I’ll get my solicitor to do it.

So yes, I have not completely mastered the no power over me bit, because he pisses me off so bad, but working hard on it


Don’t let people have power over you. It is your choice.

Don’t waste 10 years, like I did.

You decide which pieces of advice to act on, listen to, or not listen to, how to live your life.

Keep to your dreams and don’t try to configure them to someone else.

If you are lucky they will support you through thick and thin and if not, they might tell you not to dream so big, or that you are stupid.

Dream as high as you like, and you are not stupid.

At the end of day, it is your life and no-one can take control of that, unless you let them.

If in doubt, follow your gut instinct and learn to listen and trust that, sometimes it is not wise to question ‘why’, it will become clear in time.

Or ignore everything I say!

It’s your life.

Your Power.

live your life.jpg

End of rant

Over and out

@Hopehuggs <3

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